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Nelson_Gremdella t1_j83tic9 wrote

Reply to comment by skrewballl in White Punks on Transit by [deleted]

Edited as I totally misquoted you.

Can you describe the systemic racism you see in this article about the Baltimore transit system?


skrewballl t1_j85dk5g wrote

yes, the systemic (structural may be an even better way to say it) racism is in the lack of black voices in the article. simple as

idk why everyone wants to point back to the content of the article, thats not the point. the point OP was trying to start discourse about (imo) was that the article is just kind of disingenuous just by omission of specifically black voices in a city where the majority of riders are black/ non white. especially in a place like baltimore where no matter how much everyone wants to sweep discourse about the way race factors into things right under the rug, it is an integral part of the way everything operates.

this is the usa, it was built by slaves of many (non white) races, and the idea that people are MAKING things about race is ridiculous and ignorant. things are always already about race. and the more people are chastized for talking about it, the more it will be ignored and made to fester into something completely unmanagable. i know they can be uncomfortable conversations for people, but that just means they are REALLY important to talk about. the real divide and conquer and redirection lies in the taboo of talking about stuff like this. if we can agree to have open discourse about it in a calm and considerate manner then it can no longer be used as a tool to divide us!

then we can ALL really feel like were getting great public transportation.

also im still tripping on the fact that OP just made an observation and asked a question and everyone immediately blasted them about why they were asking the wrong question instead of engaging with what they were saying. this is something i feel like i see on reddit pretty often.


Nelson_Gremdella t1_j85odov wrote

The OP’s question is what is called a suggestive question.

What was the OP suggesting?

The reason why you cannot you describe the systemic racism you see in this particular article… is because there isn’t any.

And, no. Saying that black people were slaves does not describe systemic racism in this article about the Baltimore transit system.

What is it you are upset about?


skrewballl t1_j85vil2 wrote

are you a bot?

people keep answering your questions and then you just tell them that they arent answering your questions?

i answered you, its the lack of black voices in the piece.

better go redress yr straw, its gettin kinda stinky!


Nelson_Gremdella t1_j86lqro wrote

Right, but the question is why does the article have to feature a bus rider with black skin for you to not be offended?


skrewballl t1_j86ywl2 wrote

well to me the question is why does someone have to be called "offended" just because they want to talk about something or point something important out?

who ever said they were offended?


Nelson_Gremdella t1_j88l1m1 wrote

You stated that you are upset because the article doesn’t feature any black people.

You claim you want to have a conversation about systemic racism.

These are two very different things.

The fact that a media outlet published an article about issues with the transit system without publishing any interviews with black people is not racism. It is also not systemic racism.

The article is about how shitty the transit system is.

Again, the article is about how shitty the bus system is.

It’s not an article exploring how poverty and systemic racism plague this city, etc. etc.

You have become a white person who is now dictating the skin color of people local media outlets are allowed to interview.

This ^ is racism. This is dictatorship. Google “Hitler.”

Take a step back.

If the crappy transit system disproportionately affects black people, isn’t it a good thing the news article published a piece on it?

Racism is a real issue. When everything is “racist,” no one is gonna care anymore.

Answer the question. Edit: please


skrewballl t1_j89lhdd wrote

i already answered all yr questions

ill be sure to check with you and make sure its okay next time i attempt to have a conversation about racism

good day


skrewballl t1_j85dpn0 wrote

aaaaaaaaaaand now poor OP even deleted their account! damn yall! lol