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jejunebug t1_j87ns5v wrote

I’m straight but I’m a transplant so I’ll give my 2 cents -

(i) I am not part of the LGBTQ+ community but I do have friends who are part of it. As someone else said Mt Vernon used to be the “gayborhood” but I don’t think it’s so centralized there anymore. Everywhere I go I see & meet new people, some who I’m sure are queer. Idk I don’t ask anyone their sexual orientation because I don’t care. I think most people here don’t care, as long as you’re not an asshole, you’re good!

(ii) The majority of my friends are people who moved here from elsewhere. Between the military, hospitals, and schools, there are people from everywhere. You won’t stick out and you’ll be accepted.

(iii) I think just like everywhere else it’s a little column A, a little column B. It was very hard for me to make friends when I first moved here because I am an introvert and have a lot of social anxiety. Through the years I’ve gotten more comfortable, now consider myself a local, and have gotten to meet a lot more people. I try to meet someone new every time I go out. I don’t need new friends but I do like to be friendly and make connections. It’s a small city and you never know who you’re going to see again.

(iv) you won’t be disappointed with the food

(v) xfinity has a monopoly in the city so that’s your provider unless you’re going to go with tmobile or Verizon 5g. I don’t usually have any problems.