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t1_j8xvya3 wrote

This was helpful. Do you think they are waiting until the foot bridge work is done to finally give 295 near the city a good resurfacing?


t1_j8zfwbm wrote

I got a link for the state Highway projects from our block captain. She doesn’t think repaving 295 by the city line is a scheduled project but you can look through the list to see. Baltimore is in District 4 for the state highways.

She also said Baltimore DOT, not the state is responsible for 295 inside the city. The original question about 295 ramps might be better directed to the Baltimore City dot representative who is on here. I don’t fully understand it, I believe she said 95 and 895 are state maintenance but the 295 part inside the city is city DOT.

I can’t figure out how to tag the DOT person to ask them.