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Alaira314 t1_jdpx2md wrote

> It’s more and more common on the beltway: you put on your blinker and the person next to you speeds up to close the gap.

That's why I don't signal if there's drivers being aggressive around me, if I can help it. Obviously if there's no safe gap then I have to resort to asking(a request that's often denied, especially in traffic that's already behaving aggressively), but otherwise I'm gonna find that safe gap and take it, thankya. It's legal in MD as long as your merge is safe(large enough gap, no speed differential, etc). 🤷‍♀️


RagingBuddhist59 t1_jdu3pgf wrote

People speed up because they don't want someone squeezing in between them and the car already in front of them. We're all already driving too close to each other in traffic for proper stopping distances, but these "my blinker's on I'm coming over" people don't care. One or two flashes - if we're lucky - next thing you know you can't even see their license plate in front of you.