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needleinacamelseye OP t1_jdjjelq wrote

From the article:

> According to a contract submitted with an application to transfer the pub’s liquor license, the price was $800,000. The four new owners include Nicholas Wisniewski and musician Daniel Deacon of Baltimore plus Marlon Ziello and artist Derrick Adams, both of Brooklyn, New York.

> The bar has not changed hands in more than 35 years; the seller was listed as Marota Inc., which was formed in 1985.


todareistobmore t1_jdjkt2p wrote

I had no idea it was ever up for sale, but this is excellent news. Been ages since I've hung out with Nick but miss seeing him around!


needleinacamelseye OP t1_jdjlva2 wrote

According to a friend of mine who knows the bartenders there well, the old owners turned down an offer from MICA and an offer from another group who wanted to turn the place into an upscale cocktail bar. From what the neighbors are saying on the BH FB page, there's a good amount of trust that the new owners will keep the soul of the place intact.


Shiny_Deleter t1_jdjp9ac wrote

Thank goodness. I’d much rather scrounge for some cash and get weird than pay for more pretentious $20 cocktails.


DfcukinLite t1_jdjx99w wrote

Good. There doesn’t need to be anymore cocktail bars in that area. Keep Dirt Church, dirty!


Ghant_ t1_jdkpsyi wrote

This is all I need to hear. MRT is one of my favorite spots and always take Baltimore newbies there for a drink or two


catbirdbutt t1_jdl2w6f wrote

No way MICA put an offer on any real estate while their enrollment dwindles further and more layoffs are around the corner, unless maybe the offer was to trade Mt. Royal Station.


needleinacamelseye OP t1_jdm9xrj wrote

Yeah, I think the MICA offer was a few years ago - I don't think they're in a financial situation to do much right now, unfortunately...


3StacksOnTheRadio t1_jdm7y8t wrote

How can we put a bug in their ears to make the place more wheelchair accessible? There just aren't a lot of institutions, especially divey ones, that are (shout out to Ottobar's first floor tho) and I'd like to go with my friends!


27thStreet t1_jdm9g89 wrote

Have you ever tried coming in the back door to avoid the stairs out front?

edit: In retrospect this sounds kinds shitty of me. OP should not be relegated to alley entrances at MRT or anywhere else.


todareistobmore t1_jdnk5hz wrote

I don't get a vote, but I think having the accessible entrance be in the back is fine if it's well-marked/lit/etc. at a place like MRT. A wheelchair lift on the front steps would probably take up most of the stair width and might impact fire code capacity.


27thStreet t1_jdos6pv wrote

It's an alley. Not very pleasant even under the best of circumstances. Smokers, parked cars, an occasional drug deal make it less than ideal.

I agree with you though, some more lighting and signage would go a long way.


todareistobmore t1_jdpdu1f wrote

Fair enough, I've never really used the back entrance other than walking with friends who were going out to smoke as I was going to the bathroom.


3StacksOnTheRadio t1_jdo3594 wrote

I actually didn't know this was an option. Thank you!


27thStreet t1_jdorxra wrote

It's not well marked if you don't know what you are looking for. A lot of room for improvement.


2cats4ever t1_jdpczdu wrote

Damn.. I had no idea that's where it was, and I've walked by there more than a few times.

Love that Jessie & Katey mural, though!! Those two are killing it..


funcommander t1_jdk2f6c wrote

How can Dan Deacon own a food establishment when he doesn't even shower?


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fdr78 t1_jdo38mz wrote

God, I miss this place. Haven't been there in over 20yrs. Good times.


Double_Access t1_jdkks0c wrote

It'll be a good investment as long as they don't play Dan Deacon's music and scare all the customers away.
