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BaltimoreBanksy OP t1_jd8zb22 wrote

Last summer my husband climbed up and put black contact paper on the part of the light that faces our house to help dim it. We have cafe lights, so the blinding LED is really unnecessary- especially given that it is directly outside our bedroom window. Kinda feels like the city didn’t really consider the residents living next to these lights before deciding that we all needed 10,000 lumens.


ASK_ME_AB0UT_L00M t1_jdc43lp wrote

Anecdotal, but I've heard that you can call the city and they'll put up a light shield to keep it from blinding you in your house.


very-good-dog t1_jdo0z1j wrote

what department/agency/whatever and do you know if they do that in the county


ASK_ME_AB0UT_L00M t1_jdt3z3k wrote

I don't know any specifics. I'd start by calling the dept of public works, I guess.