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Ghost-of-Tom-Chode t1_jc5b2cy wrote

It is not somewhere that I would suggest an out of town transplant family from the California suburbs move.


Chocolateheartbreak t1_jc5c04t wrote

It’s a safe enough place which is why I suggested it. Community like, not super cockeysville like which they don’t want, and near the activity of the city with chains and they could have a yard. Where would you suggest?


Ghost-of-Tom-Chode t1_jc5cd99 wrote

I think Lutherville/Timonium is a sensible choice for a family in their circumstance. I would not move inside the beltway. A Rodger’s Forge type of place would be great if they are into more condensed living, and want the urban feel around them. I wouldn’t choose that, but I’m not them. For townhome living, instead of Rodger’s Forge, I’d look at Mays Chapel.


Chocolateheartbreak t1_jc5dbma wrote

I didnt suggest lutherville because they said they wanted a younger vibe with lots to do, which makes me think canton, catonsville, hampden and mt washington


Ghost-of-Tom-Chode t1_jc5e3h2 wrote

That makes sense. I feel like there is plenty to do in the Timonium area, but it is not as condensed and it is not walkable.


Chocolateheartbreak t1_jc5fuzn wrote

Yeah so i didnt suggest that bc of that. I thought of catonsville because you can walk around Frederick rd, but they could still have a yard and parking etc. make friends for bbq. They can order their groceries still. Near trails for the outdoors. They might also like elkridge or arbutus maybe. I do like mays chapel, i just dont think it’d fit them