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Acceptable_Day_7204 t1_isri27d wrote

It sounds like a lot of social manipulation for political gain. I may be missing pieces but I don’t see a threat just an obvious policy violation.

Funny thing is that dudes the guy who would be protecting from a shooter


r3rg54 t1_isrkb71 wrote

> "He grabbed me by the back of my book bag and, like, pulled me up off my feet next to him and was like, 'You better not be lying,' and, 'Remember, I can kill you in one shot.'"


BlueBinch t1_iste9iq wrote

He assaulted another student and threatened to shoot her.

Just because he's a veteran, it does mean he'd "be the guy who's protecting from a shooter".


fridill t1_it31qyh wrote

This was probably written by Jesse to excuse his assaults and harassments.

Plus if he abuses his classmates so publicly, imagine how he abuses his dogs in private.


Acceptable_Day_7204 t1_iu6zk5m wrote

So definitely social manipulated bad guy lol Got it

It’s an effective method but still corrupt and the emotional pain caused by this trend is going to backfire on society one day for the next generation.

It’s going to cause an ideological fissure between groups in and out of effective range of control. A Orwellian dystopia is here already but the gattica and Fahrenheit 451 aren’t far behind