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mrm0324 t1_irsoibm wrote

I would never ever put my water bill in autopay. That is putting a lot of trust in the city and their billing system that I do not have.


bad_with_stress t1_irsqmto wrote

When I bought my house in April the title guy talked about how he had someone who had to refinance their house because the city hit them with a $25k bill one month, obv incorrect, but the city made them pay it and then get a refund later lmao. So yeah, idk about autopay, I’ll just peep the website once a month.


mrm0324 t1_irsqufo wrote

Wow that’s horrible. I’ve heard too many horror stories to put my water bill on auto pay.


MidContrast t1_irtaz5t wrote

lmao didnt they get cyberhacked for crypto? They barely even send me bills on time, I'm not trusting them to hold on to my info