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Jack_Ash_ t1_itldzid wrote

Didn’t a kid get crushed/dragged by a BCFD fire truck near Payson and Pratt last October riding an illegally operated dirt bike? The kid was riding to see the family of a kid who had also died on a dirt bike.

Good to see a Dad stepping up though. This city could use more involved and actively participating Dads.


firecartier OP t1_itlezkq wrote

thats one thing i do appreciate, and im glad you expressed it more diligently than others in the sub, but they watched out for cars and paused riding,

there is a little dirt path that extends for about 2 blocks, they rode on that, safer landing, no cars


Jack_Ash_ t1_itlfmu5 wrote

Yeah, I’m not a complete NIMBY, just tired of seeing the city’s kids dying and suffering life altering injuries. We can do better. Glad to hear the pair are having fun, learning some rider safety, and enjoying a bond rather than suffering the worse effects of parental neglect and the dangerous aspects of idle time in a dangerous city.


Idontgetredditinmd t1_itlikr4 wrote

In Baltimore City this is illegal as hell. Unfortunately the cops don't/won't do anything about it. This is not a proud moment.


TheCaptainDamnIt t1_itlm9rz wrote

OP seriously fucking trolling with this one. Couldn't even wait a few days for the other one to calm down, this is some really fresh troll.


Animanialmanac t1_itlp54a wrote

Baltimore Motorsports is on Franklintown Road in West Baltimore. That’s where riders get the neat looking crash jackets and pants, riding boots.

The Maryland Emergency Medicine coalition has free helmet resources, they give away more bicycle helmets than dirt bike helmets because dirt bike riders don’t accept the free helmets. There are medical studies on getting dirt bike riders to wear helmets, it’s a social issue more than a financial issue.


TheDelig t1_itm59d9 wrote

I grew up riding dirt bikes. I also lived in a rural area. I'd be a hypocrite if I didn't accept that people in urban areas should be able to enjoy riding dirt bikes too. Obviously everyone should wear a helmet but I am not the squid police so as long as they're having fun that's fine with me. Also, I still squid around (I always wear a helmet though).


spartykeys t1_itmdyl1 wrote

Then order a fucking helmet lmfao?

“What’s the nearest store” isn’t an excuse when:

  1. it’s 2022, everyone delivers
  2. you own a dirt bike so you can: A) afford a helmet B) ride there to get a helmet

Appropriate-Lab-5015 t1_itmqefy wrote

I'm probably going to get a hundred downvotes for pointing out today's a school day


DonCavalio t1_itngj2h wrote

The most Baltimore picture I've ever seen.


Cunninghams_right t1_itnj1pg wrote

I wish more people could see the nuance of the situation. riding a dirbike around carefully is annoying because it's loud, but it can be done relatively safely and with minimal impact to others. on the other hand, people can go too far and ride wheelies down busy sidewalks at 30-40mph, which could easily get someone killed. I wish we could separate those two and shut down the irresponsible/dangerous riding.


Cunninghams_right t1_itnjg7u wrote

I wish more people could see the nuance of the situation. riding a dirbike around carefully is annoying because it's loud, but it can be done relatively safely and with minimal impact to others (aside from making a neighborhood look trashy). on the other hand, people can go too far and ride wheelies down busy sidewalks at 30-40mph, which could easily get someone killed. I wish we could separate those two and shut down the irresponsible/dangerous riding.


jaxdraw t1_itnowtu wrote

It's crazy how many dirt bikes I've seen in the city. I grew up in Frederick county and we had ATVs, dirt bikes, golf carts etc.

They were common but it seems like they are all the rage in Baltimore the prince George's county.

It's fascinating to me


TheDelig t1_itnrxy1 wrote

Unfortunately I think only those who've ridden or ride motorcycles can truly empathize. Because it's an activity that definitely get out of hand and dangerous. But if there's anything riding has taught me it's that sometimes the bike begs you to be stupid. Sometimes the bike is more persuasive than you are. But riding is a blast and it usually starts on a dirt bike as a kid. In fact it should start that way. Low speed crashes on dirt bikes happen so high speed crashes around cars at 75mph won't happen later.


Cunninghams_right t1_itntehk wrote

you're absolutely right about a motorbike of either kind begging for bad behavior. that's one reason why riding dirtbikes in an area with high population density, like Baltimore, is just a bad idea to begin with. riding in a rural area, you're more likely to hurt yourself, which I'm more accepting of. when you start endangering others, that's where the "kids will be kids" argument that some make falls short.


rmphys t1_itnw0yu wrote

> But if there's anything riding has taught me it's that sometimes the bike begs you to be stupid. Sometimes the bike is more persuasive than you are.

If you are dumb enough to be convinced by an inanimate object, I don't want you driving any motor vehicle. Hell, probably shouldn't even be on a pedal bicycle.


TheDelig t1_itnx70x wrote

That's not my point. People don't choose where to be born. I enjoyed it as a kid and refuse to be a hypocrite about it. That's it. I choose myself to let them enjoy themselves and wish them well. How others feel about it is not my concern.


Electrical_Appeal_21 t1_ito4bjz wrote

Literally the only city I’ve ever lived in where people rationalize everyday law breaking and self-centeredness. 🙄


Cunninghams_right t1_ito8dpy wrote

not all activities are the same everywhere. if I grew up target shooting in my back yard, that does not mean it's ok to do so in a city.

as the phrase goes: your right to swing your arms stops at someone else's face.


Tiger6513 t1_itpi3a1 wrote

As a former City resident (now in the county) I appreciate Not dealing with these dirt bikes daily. I agree people need a safe place ride and to have fun but the streets of a city are Not the place. Getting sick of seeing these idiots in the hospitals... and as a tax payer I am sick of picking up the bill for those doing this illegally without insurance.