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Hisyphus t1_ixnhjtd wrote

I feel like this is missing some information. They don’t just “let rapists go.”


tomrlutong t1_ixnz92s wrote

But you're messing with the county "democrats love crime" narrative!


charmgirlonAnn27 t1_ixot4sn wrote

Apparently they do. From Arch Mckown on FB (see link below):

"the victim was presented a photo array - that’s where a cop who isn’t on the case presents the victim/eye witness with six head shot photos (one is of the suspect). The victim was (understandably) unable to ID the guy from the photo array. The ASA said basically “since she couldn’t ID the suspect it’s a weak case. Cut him loose.” Mind you, the incident was caught on clear video. The victim described the suspect and his clothing head to toe. The suspect ADMITTED to the crime to detectives. BPD pulled fingerprints at the scene. So why would this not suffice to hold him … at very least until the other victim could come in to do a photo array also???"


Hisyphus t1_ixp06tm wrote

Did they decline to arrest him or did he get out on bail? Some of the wording in this quote is confusing. You can’t just “hold” someone for extended periods of time without charging them.

Not being able to read the rest of the story some of this does sound like a prosecutor who’s not interested in fighting for a victim. The fact that he admitted, unless the police fucked up in a profound way that would get the admission excluded, should have made it much easier.

But I also want to point out that juries rely extremely heavily on witness identification. This is not a good thing as witness identifications are generally awful. However, the victim not being able to identify the man can be hugely problematic, especially with a juries over reliance on witness ID’s. She may have described his clothing head to toe, but if it’s generic clothing a defense attorney can have a field day.


Aphile t1_ixquqt3 wrote

Zebra stripe hoodie is not generic clothing


Hisyphus t1_ixqwi7m wrote

Didn’t say that it was. I did not have access to that detail. I was simply providing some information about why describing his clothing might not have been enough. All of which you’d know if you paid attention to the meaning of my comment.


Hisyphus t1_ixo2rjo wrote

Shame on me for wanting details about an outrageous claim! It’s definitely because Democrats don’t believe in prosecuting criminal 🙄🙄


tomrlutong t1_ixokhvr wrote

Pretty much. Note I asked /u/charmgirlonAnn27 for a source, no response yet.


Hisyphus t1_ixoyjh4 wrote

It’s a private Facebook group. Is there a news article or a name I could look up?


charmgirlonAnn27 t1_ixp006j wrote

sorry not that I know of. but if you join one of the south east facebook groups there's probably a number of posts on it.


Appropriate-Lab-5015 t1_ixoirmm wrote

You don't think the Baltimore SA's office messes up??


Hisyphus t1_ixoiyz6 wrote

Wow. That might be the dumbest question anyone has ever asked me. Of course the State’s Attorney’s office screws up. Everyone screws up. What has that got to do with what I said?


1dayAwayagain t1_ixnrz7k wrote

Yes they do. Have you heard of Mosby?


Hisyphus t1_ixns36t wrote

Weird how they never taught me that in law school…


1dayAwayagain t1_ixnt5kl wrote

Nice try with the humble brag of law school. Sorry, law school isn't impressive. Actual experience is.

Yes, they don't teach stuff in law school about how some prosecutors are too scared to take something to trial if it's not a slam dunk case.

Now, run along back to District Court where you get your docket the morning of lol.


Hisyphus t1_ixntnqo wrote

How do you think you get actual experience as an attorney without starting in law school? Timid prosecutors are not what the original comment implied. That’s why I said some information was missing.


1dayAwayagain t1_ixntzhx wrote

Law school is not experience. It's a school environment. That's like saying police officers know how to testify well on the stand because they went to a police academy. Not the case.

The original comment implied rapists (and other criminals) are let go. I'm attributing that to timid prosecution.


bookoocash t1_ixnuvhc wrote

Can someone just explain to us the actual reasoning behind this person being released? I swear to fuck, I read through this entire thread thinking that eventually it would be elaborated on but nothing!


Hisyphus t1_ixnu6f7 wrote

Imagine taking the time to read my comment for comprehension. Then do it. Enjoy your Thanksgiving.


1dayAwayagain t1_ixnucal wrote

Imagine thinking having a law degree makes you an experienced lawyer. But you enjoy Thanksgiving as well, sir or ma'am.


Hisyphus t1_ixnujnx wrote

I literally never said or implied that it did. But since you also don’t know the context behind the release of the rape suspect I’ll take your attribution with a grain of salt.


1dayAwayagain t1_ixnuyr3 wrote

How do you think you get actual experience as an attorney without starting in law school?

But yes, everything on Reddit should be taken with a grain (or better yet a dash) of salt. You don't know my experience and I don't know yours other than law school from the humble brag.


Hisyphus t1_ixnv6l0 wrote

Yeah. As in you go to law school and then get a real job where you actually learn how to be a lawyer. But it’s not like you don’t learn stuff while getting a JD.


1dayAwayagain t1_ixnw7rj wrote

Ok I had assumed that part was obvious... You can't practice law without going to law school and passing the bar lol. I shouldn't have assumed.

You learn just enough getting a JD to embarrass yourself in front of a judge and/or jury. Litigation skills come from experience, not school. That's why the newbies start in District Court, and the talented ones start in Circuit Court.


Hisyphus t1_ixo31c9 wrote

Lol yeah I gotcha. From the way law schools flog Big Law, the most talented ones of all wind up doing corporate transactional work and never see a courtroom at all but rather send big checks.


1dayAwayagain t1_ixoj4q8 wrote

Yep. It's sad. My good friend who was a prosecutor called me and apologized for leaving public service ... Said a corporation gave him a number he couldn't say no to.

I said absolutely no judgements here, as I know public service lawyers don't get paid shit.


Hisyphus t1_ixojvi0 wrote

At the end of the day, I know when I close my laptop at 5 or 7 pm after a day of writing pharmaceutical contracts I won’t feel depressed or nauseous or angry. I’m not losing sleep worrying that one of my clients is going to get arrested, deported, or killed. But I also don’t feel like I’m making the world a better place. But who knows what I’ll be doing in 10 years. 🤷🏼‍♀️


1dayAwayagain t1_ixolnzy wrote

Don't be upset about missing out, the criminal judicial system is a scam. Just a revolving door.


BloodOnTheDashboard t1_ixogrui wrote

You not even allowed to have an opinion about Baltimore based on your post history


hogsucker t1_ixonm5h wrote

Isn't she the lady who made sure the guys who murdered Freddy Gray didn't go to prison?


1dayAwayagain t1_ixoo9dp wrote

No, she was the woman who illegally asked a random Major from the sheriff department to charge them, all the while lacking probable cause.

She lost in a few trials against them (miserably and embarrassingly, at that), and dumped the cases on the others because she realized she had no probable cause in the first place.

Thankfully, she wasn't able to ruin some officers lives to appease the rioters. Turns out, when you swallow a large amount of heroin to not get caught, it tends to increase the risk to your health.

Edit: if it helps you remember who she was, she's the one who was charged by the federal government for perjury and mortgage fraud so she could buy not one, but two vacation homes.


hogsucker t1_ixoq3ae wrote

I agree it was embarrassing for her. There was actual video footage of a police officer kneeling on Gray's neck and for some reason she went with the police narrative that it was a run of the mill Baltimore Rough Ride that killed him.


XxCloudSephiroth69xX t1_ixqkqi8 wrote

First, no such video exists. Second, even if it did, it would be irrelevant. All medical examiners for both the prosecution and defense testified that the injury occurred from a single high impact blow similar to a divers injury. He could not have suffered injury prior to that, as in the video of him fake crying and limping into the wagon he can be seen supporting his own weight on his feet, which he would not have been able to do if he had suffered that injury prior to that point.


hogsucker t1_ixqmeom wrote

The actual murder occurred at Stop Two when cops pulled Gray out of the van and threw him back in. In front of numerous eyewitnesses. You're right though--The cops stopped people from filming.


XxCloudSephiroth69xX t1_ixqmw06 wrote

Surprising that none of that came out at trial or was reported by the media. And what happened to your claim about kneeling on his neck? I thought that's how you said it happened? You wouldn't just make something up, would you? Like, say, the police preventing people from filling? How would people have known to film in the first place at stop 2? Do you think people were following the wagon around after Gray was arrested?


hogsucker t1_ixqo27c wrote

There is video of the fat cop on top of Gray during the initial arrest.

The cops threatened the witnesses with jail for trying to film stop two. There were eyewitnesses.

This has been reported in the media. It didn't come out at trial because there was no absolutely no desire to actually convict the cops who killed Gray.


XxCloudSephiroth69xX t1_ixqse8e wrote

It's no secret that officers had Gray in a leg lace during the arrest. This is nowhere near kneeling on his neck, like you initially claimed.

Source your claim about witnesses threatened with arrest for filming. Good luck, because it didn't happen.

You've already changed your own theory for the "murder", you clearly didn't pay much attention, because both theories have been contracted by with what the medical examiners said.

Please stop making things up.


hogsucker t1_ixqu7m7 wrote

I just realized that I'm engaging with a new account belonging to the shit head cop who abuses the "reddit cares" function to fuck with people he doesn't like.


XxCloudSephiroth69xX t1_ixqunm9 wrote

Yeah, my 10 year old account is a new one. You caught me. Also I've never done that. I've had plenty of disagreements with plenty of people here and I doubt you'll find someone who claims I did that to them. Yet another lie on your part.

Nice way to try to weasel your way out of admitting your other lies, by the way. Stop trolling.


hogsucker t1_ixqw9be wrote

Isn't it against Reddit rules to change accounts to get around bans? What is it about cops that makes them have so many issues obeying rules?


XxCloudSephiroth69xX t1_ixqwq7p wrote

I've never been banned. Meanwhile, trolling is actually against this sub's rules. So keep on deflecting and projecting. Sad that you're the absolute height of the anti-cop crowds.


1dayAwayagain t1_ixorlbx wrote

Don't. Use. Heroin. It's bad for you.


hogsucker t1_ixouo00 wrote

Since you're a medical expert...How does heroin break one's neck?


1dayAwayagain t1_ixowyth wrote

It inhibits one's interest in self preservation, consistent with a fellow prisoners account of Mr. Gray intentionally bashing his head into the wall of the van numerous times.

Also, don't forget Ms Mosby is the one who a week prior requested increased drug enforcement in the area of North and Mount St...

What else you got, keyboard warrior?


hogsucker t1_ixoxc94 wrote

Oh, you're going with the story that he killed himself to make the cops look bad?


1dayAwayagain t1_ixoxmqq wrote

Killed himself intentionally? No absolutely not. I think he swallowed his stash and lost his mind. Heroin will do that.


hogsucker t1_ixoxsi7 wrote

There must be lots of other examples of that happening. Why don't you share one?


1dayAwayagain t1_ixoy1dp wrote

Go on a ride along bubba lol. Leave your safe little world of normalcy for once in your life.

Edit: unless you're scared. We'd all respect that.


hogsucker t1_ixoy63x wrote

So if I go on a ride along I'll see people swallow heroin and break their own necks to make cops look bad?


1dayAwayagain t1_ixoyh6c wrote

Nope. That wasn't the premise, sunshine.

But you'll definitely see ppl swallow their stash to not get caught lol. And then you'll see the foolish things people do on heroin. Well actually these days it'll likely be fentanyl... It's cheaper than heroin.