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drillpublisher t1_ixx7dgd wrote

Idk if it's too far south for you, but I'm a fan of Papermoon Diner's take.


PigtownDesign t1_ixx8bf1 wrote

Pepe’s on Falls & Lake might have them. Old style diner about a mile north of you.


RandyButteSavage t1_ixx8uuu wrote

artifact, is my go to they do farm to table food as its very fresh and good. Also Golden west in Hampden, both are near where your staying.


barberbabybubbles t1_ixxb6vx wrote

It’ll be a bit of hike, but Iron Rooster in Hunt Valley or Canton might fit the bill.


borderluv t1_ixxb7qf wrote

Silver Queen on Harford Road


yazzcabbage t1_ixxbr6l wrote

Blue Moon in Fells or Fed have them.


fattyre t1_ixxekws wrote

Pepe’s s close to you and has pretty good breakfast. I’ve never tried their biscuits though. Golden west in Hamden would also be a good choice and is more of a sit down place for a boozy brunch.


BeSmarter2022 t1_ixxi2zt wrote

Are you sure Miss Shirley does not have it? We were there a couple weeks ago and I swear someone in my group had it.


MakeItQuickGottaGo t1_ixxjhq2 wrote

Simply Marie’s in Canton. Tiny place. Delicious southern breakfast.