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JohnBarleyCorn2 t1_iw826p6 wrote

No. Just stop. You don't have to put up with sexual harassment from anybody. Its not ok. If someone is harassing you, then they need to be stopped.

> A Good Thing Actually for white people

to be able to walk down the street without being made to feel violated and unsafe.

You are wrong and I hope you gain the confidence to love yourself enough to not let ANYone do this to you, regardless of what color they are.

As the father of young daughters, it makes me sad to see that young women would rather suffer harassment than report a crime. I hope I'm able to instill enough self-confidence and self-respect in my daughters that they would never take this fatalistic, nihilistic view of themselves.


onlythehappiests t1_iw8ahqi wrote

This is not a self-esteem issue. It’s not that women would rather suffer harassment than report a crime because we feel like we don’t deserve to not be hassled. It’s that in this world/city that we live in today, there’s a very real possibility that calling the cops on black men or boys may result in someone dying and won’t solve the problem anyway.

I agree that it’s sad and awful and not at all okay, but unfortunately these are the things that people weigh. I think there is plenty of evidence that law enforcement isn’t firing on all cylinders here. And I think you know that and I don’t really get why women are being downvoted for acknowledging this problem.


Appropriate-Lab-5015 t1_iw85lk0 wrote

Young daughters, you say? You'll love Bel Air or Ellicott City. Don't let your kids grow up around violence
