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t1_ix4ops3 wrote

I have a serious Kryptonite chain, and I keep a cover over it. Register the chain with Kryptonite, and keep your codes written down. Their warranty claims to replace the value of whatever was stolen, assuming they break through the chain. Some folks add numerous locks, and thing to make it harder to roll away.

That said, any lock is a deterrent, and never a guarantee. Some folks Airtag their rides too.

I've had a Hyperscorpion for about a year and a half and it mostly stays locked out front. When I'm traveling for longer periods I bring it into my fenced back yard and keep my locks on it anyway.


t1_ix5p71q wrote

We bought a Ruckus about a year ago. Had two of the thickest chain locks you've ever seen, two alarms, and kept it covered on a well lit, busy street. Still got stolen in about three months. We live near the Canton Safeway for reference.

Fun as shit to ride, though.


t1_ix6dw7z wrote

Scooter maniac here. As much as this will probably get downvoted because people on this sib can’t admit that Baltimore is a rabid hellhole. Don’t do it! It’s not if it’s when it will get stolen. If you don’t have a garage or inside place to store it, totally not worth it. Also, being outdoors will cause a maintenance headache with all of the moisture that will accumulate in the carb and gas.


OP t1_ix6ejdx wrote

I actually have a small shed that I’ll be using as a garage. I’m not so worried that it will be stolen from my property as I am that if I go into a movie or something.


t1_ix7ls5e wrote

There is a very good chance it will get stolen from the shed, probably more likely spot than when it’s locked up somewhere else for couple of hours


t1_ix6nmb1 wrote

  1. If it has a steering lock, lock it.
  2. Disc lock on front and rear if you have it. Preferably use an alarmed disc lock.
  3. Chain it to something
  4. Keep it covered
  5. Buy an actual motorcycle tracker, cheap ones run like $200. They’ll alert you if there’s movement and if it’s tilted.

Anything small is likely to get stolen. Dirt bikes are gonna get stolen fast. Newer sport bikes are a target but older ones are a little safer. Cruises are probably the hardest to steal since they’re heavier.

Why not just get an electric bike? They’re cheaper than a ruckus and you can bring them inside if you need to.


t1_ix8ad9b wrote

i live in an apartment building, up high. like a year and a half ago i heard some crazy powertool sounds on the street down below, and it was two guys stealing the bike that was heavily locked/chained to a very sturdy guardrail. i yelled out of my window and called the police but obviously they didnt come until it was too late. the bike was found a few blocks away, totally stripped. the owner got a new bike but keeps it locked up in a garage. definitely don't leave it on the street.


OP t1_ix6fqlu wrote

Is it the same with motorcycles? Are they stolen with as much frequency?


t1_ix7b9l0 wrote

I had a tw200 stolen from my parking pad after I lived in the city for a few years (although I sort of suspect it was my neighbor who was moving out and not hood kids, but who knows). My cruiser has sat in the parking pad for years and nobody stole it. I don't think cruisers are of much interest to the people who steal motorcycles in the city.

If you're looking for something cheap you can buy a used cruiser or a cheap new Japanese cruiser. Have insurance on it so if it gets stolen your insurance pays out (might take a while because Baltimore police suck so badly). You can pick up a vstar 250 new for probably around 5k. Or if you want something that's basically like a big scooter look for a used TU250X. These style of bikes aren't what I think most thieves in the city are looking for.


t1_ix81zny wrote

My friend has a Honda Monkey, he has a massive krypronite chain. You could double up and use a cable as well. Layering security lowers the risk of it being stolen. Same goes for bikes.