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tastywiings t1_j19jtyo wrote

> temperature is supposed to go from 40 to 10 in a matter of hours.

I've heard reports of the temperature dropping in just an hour. Much faster than previous fronts. Absolutely wild.


MattDaCatt t1_j1a16r7 wrote

Time to be reminded of all the ligament injuries I've had!


RL_Mutt t1_j1afmep wrote

Ugh. The metal in my ankle and the metal in my shoulder are ping-ponging pain across my body today.


aoife_too t1_j1c2pr5 wrote

Ugh. I should probably resign myself to the incoming migraine.


moderndukes t1_j1cs3ia wrote

The worst will be from 9am to 10am in it dropping ~10 degrees. But overall it will go from 54 degrees at midnight today to 8 degrees Saturday morning.