
MattDaCatt t1_iu8ssbc wrote

That's hyperbole a bit. But you're on the right track. I grew up in the boonies at the MD/PA line and can certainly say I've seen some shit.

Ive been to bars in So PA where I'd I'd just be buried in the woods if I crossed someone there. Almost run off the road by lifted trucks, meth heads following me out of a Walmart etc. Hell I've had someone run out with a shotgun when I turned around in their driveway.

However, those instances were far and few between the consistency and density of crime in the city. I live in an extremely quiet and safe neighborhood, but I can still hear the shots off of N Pkway a few times a week. Not even a month after I moved here, and there was a mass shooting within a mile of us

Now Ive been around the city for work and shows, so I don't feel unsafe but I can acknowledge that it's far easier to get in major trouble here.

Tldr: I learned street smarts in the boonies. But I apply them far more often in the city


MattDaCatt t1_irxqku9 wrote

Unless my water main breaks and I'm out $2000 due to auto billing, rather than being able to have it corrected first.

Also I don't trust BCIT to contract a developer to make the system not save my PIDs in an open format. I was contracted on the ransomware cleanup project and it was a shitshow


MattDaCatt t1_irxj47t wrote

Title is wonky/click baity: Here's a synopsis

Lower income/redlined areas have little to no tree coverage, which can make a big difference in shade/temperature control/air quality. It's another small detail that makes a big difference in terms of quality of life.

The trees that have been planted tend to be one species (red maple) rather than a variety. This is bad because it means that any disease effecting maples will destroy all of the trees that were planted in that area; this indicates that the effort to plant trees in these areas needs more attention than just planting whatever is cheapest or easiest.

No one is saying that having trees is racist, but if you have a wide variety, then you likely live in a historically affluent neighborhood (which may have been racially motivated in the past)