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yyyyy25ui t1_j28lksy wrote

This is not an issue that they will do anything about.


kermelie t1_j28wucv wrote

I don’t see anything in his scenario that would exempt him from a valid MHIC complaint.


SonofDiomedes t1_j2a4s1j wrote

MHIC exists for people who were ripped off, not for people who are dissatisfied the quality of work.

If the contractor took the down payment and did no work, MHIC. If the contractor broke a law, like taking greater than 1/3 down, MHIC.

Pretty limited circumstances in which MHIC will compensate a homeowner or sanction a licensed contractor.


kermelie t1_j2afzoe wrote

MHIC does cover quality of work, I know because I received a claim based off the scope of MHIC poor workmanship clause.


SonofDiomedes t1_j2agj3y wrote

You must have had a very well documented and clear case, with real money at stake? Permits not pulled, Insurance invalid/not maintained, etc?


kermelie t1_j2aon9u wrote

I just had a picture of poor work and an invoice for someone to go back and fix poor work. It’s a judge, so it’s not a hard standard. You just convince one person. If he didn’t have insurance he wouldn’t have a license. Permits were pulled as well but the judge didn’t really ask for that because it probably wasn’t relevant to the fact he didn’t do a good job.


SonofDiomedes t1_j2aozaq wrote

Well then maybe I need to educate myself better on this.