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Agile_Disk_5059 t1_j0h7lni wrote

Why aren't cars speed limited to 80 mph? There is no road in the US where cars can go faster than that.

Why does the government allow for unhealthy food like candy bars and McDonald's to be sold when almost 50% of adults are obese?

Why not have cameras covering every single square inch of public street and sidewalks so the police could watch any crime that takes place in public?

Because people don't want to live in some sort of scifi dystopian hell hole where they're monitored and controlled 24/7?


Alaira314 t1_j0hm1vd wrote

> Why aren't cars speed limited to 80 mph? There is no road in the US where cars can go faster than that.

Unfortunately the cat's out of the bag on this one. Whoever limits first will be a massive safety hazard, not just to themselves but also to others. You must be able to match the speed of the other cars on the road, even if they're driving an illegal speed. Most deaths by speeding are more accurately described as deaths by speed differential, because they're a result of the speeding car encountering(and crashing into or losing control while avoiding) slower-moving obstacles. If all the cars on the road are going 70 in a 55, it's actually safest for everybody if you also match that speed, because then traffic is moving freely at a steady rate instead of lanes moving at different rates based on their slowest cars(and lots of slow-moving cars moving out of the slower lane into the faster lane).

To safely make your change, you'd need to shut down driving 100%, upgrade at least a critical mass of cars with this safety feature(you'd probably need to hit 90%+, to account for the statistical bias from people who don't normally go that fast suddenly driving their un-upgraded cars fast on the highway while they still can), and only then make it legal to drive again. That's...not going to happen. Not to mention the fact that speeders gonna speed, so you'd see people modding their cars to remove the limit immediately, and then we're right back to the status quo of there being a few cars out there that insist on driving 20+ faster than everybody else.


judeiscariot t1_j0i3del wrote

False, ftr, on the first sentence.

There is a tollway near Austin that is 85.

Montana also has no day time speed limit


PretzelSlinger t1_j0h98tf wrote

Well, I’m for all these suggestions except government keeping me from my candy bars.


YorickTheCat t1_j0hf957 wrote

I'm all for limiting how fast cars can go, I think that's a public safety issue.

Candy bars... not so much, that comes down to personal responsibility and self harm; until people start swerving in and out of the candy aisle causing bodily harm to others, that is.

As for the constant monitoring? What happens when someone gets mugged? There is a huge push to ferret out every doorbell cam and security system camera that might have video of what happened. So, people don't want monitoring until they want monitoring. Cell phones seem to be the exception.

I'll add that I'm typing off the top of my head and have not put much real thought into the topics.


Agile_Disk_5059 t1_j0hivvy wrote

More people are dying of candy bars (i.e. junk food) than of car accidents.


YorickTheCat t1_j0hmf18 wrote

That may be, but it's not an immediate public safety-of-others issue is what I was trying to convey. I had a good friend killed by a reckless driver, no friends killed by someone eating a candy bar.