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S-Kunst t1_j08w27n wrote

My neighboring house has a sally port, as we are in the center of a long block. It is not the usual sallyport as once you pass through the arched opening it widens a couple feet. There is a door on the side of the building and the sally-port allows one to access the 2nd floor and go to the back yard. Started life as a 6 room 3story row house turned into a bakery. When I first moved in about 4 young guys were renting the house. They threw wild parties. After one of these wild gatherings it seems that one of the roomies, who was home alone died due to too much fun, but he was stuck in the Sallyport, between the next person's wall and the 2nd floor staircase. Not sure how the fire department got the body out. The body had been there through the weekend.


Obasan123 t1_j09tfk6 wrote

Do you live in Canton? Sounds like you're talking about the house we lived in on South Clinton. We had a sally port.