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The_Waxies_Dargle t1_j51dlsa wrote

Oooh! Question. What's with the "we buy diabetic supplies" operations? I assume it's arbitrage of some sort, but why does the market exist and is there enough juice to make the squeeze worthwhile?


ElManchego57 OP t1_j535xu5 wrote

I'm not familiar with them other than their signs. If I had to venture a guess, it would be that diabetes supplies prices are stupid marked up and some people get them subsidized through Medicare, etc. so aren't paying full price. They may have extra for what ever reason but no access to a secondary market so they sell an $20 item that they paid $2 for to an intermediary for $10 who then sells it for $15. Or something like that.

So everyone wins, except the tax payers, and who ever needs to navigate the circus act, and society at large. I'm not sure how Eli Lilly feels about it.


cdbloosh t1_j54tynr wrote

It’s a particularly exploitable arbitrage because 1) they are pretty expensive, 2) people on Medicaid and other assistance programs can get them virtually for free, and 3) these same people are most likely to find themselves in financially desperate situations that cause them to feel forced to do things like illegally selling their prescription medical supplies for pennies on the dollar.