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Longey13 t1_j6kzaiq wrote

Hi there. So I'd like to say that there are plenty of people with similar ideas and beliefs here, and that I can assure you that it is not that simple. The more feasible idea that has been floated is applying for a federal highway removal grant, which is likely already going to be used for US-40 (highway to nowhere). If we did somehow get enough money for I-83, the pushback would be significant, and the compromise would probably be a large boulevard next to the Jones falls (an improvement, but not quite what some of us would want) starting from around cold spring lane.

On the positive side, know that there are people like this, just not in large positions of power. Plenty of officials at the DOT would love to tell you about all the big projects they'd like to do that they just don't have the funds and/or personnel for.

If you'd like to learn more about how the Netherlands achieved this, and other great practices they have that we could learn from, check out Not Just Bikes on YouTube.

If you're interested in local advocacy like this, check out Strong Towns Baltimore, of which I am a member (shameless plug).



z3mcs t1_j6kzs9i wrote

>I can assure you that it is not that simple.

Yeah I already addressed this:

> I'm not trying to make it sound easy, it'll definitely be hard

Also I'm not talking solely about this, I'm talking to OP about his history of transit and community development posts. But thanks.


ohamza t1_j6lhg9f wrote

There are groups in Baltimore like Bikemore and Strong Towns that have been working on this stuff. OP should reach out and get involved with like minded people.

And I love the JFX posts, but that will have to come in the next phase. We need better transit options to the city first. Advocate for the North/south line on york road, and for TODs at the light rail stops.


Optimus_RE t1_j6o8ewx wrote

Soo just curious, if you make 83 into a Blvd are you just telling drivers to drive longer and further to the 95's and jam 695 even further? Because 83 is very heavily travelled by commuters and if you want to eliminate commuting to the city then you have even more company's leaving the city. Less commerce and business, the higher crime will get. I'm just confused how this helps the city financially