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greemmako t1_j654jqc wrote

start the formal court rent escrow process so all your rent starts going into the court rent escrow system, and your landlord won’t be able to get paid until they address the issues


Trailmagic OP t1_j6577uo wrote

Thank you. Are you aware of any agencies besides the Baltimore Housing Authority who can also give me advice?

My ideal outcome is cash-for-keys after making demands so I can GTFO. I will still freeze while the courts do their thing.

This place is an old rowhome with lofted ceilings and 8’ windows. It would take an enormous investment to fix the insulation and replace the central heat with something capable. I don’t think they can or will based on how cheap they’ve been with minor repairs.

I am hoping that they do the math and see that paying me out is cheaper than repairs and collecting zero rent until that’s done will compound their losses and potentially stop them from renting at all if it’s too expensive to renovate up to code. Also, code enforcement might find other stuff while they were here. If I were them I’d be very worried about forcing me to get the city involved.

With enough knowledge and the right documentation I can send a demand letter over their breach of contract that is informed enough for them to just eat the loss since it’s clear I’m not dumb and am aware of the code enforcement call being required if they are difficult.

If that fails I will do the code and court stuff but my existence here sucks and I want more than just rent put in escrow. I paid for an apartment and this does not meet the legal requirements to be one. I called BGE and this is not new so they were likely aware when renting it.


Willothwisp2303 t1_j65dh8p wrote

Go the legal way. Playing games with landlords isn't a great plan.


Trailmagic OP t1_j6fug13 wrote

Thank you. Not going to play games. Definitely not going to stop paying rent. I am going to make a demand letter and bring the city in to decide if the management play games.


Karmachanix t1_j65wi55 wrote

There are Legal Aid/Public Justice Center attorneys on the third floor of the District Court at 501 E Fayette Street who could probably help you run through your options. This is where Rent Court is, and they are there every day.


Unfair-Rip9168 t1_j65eaeq wrote

The city isn’t going to help you. Just pay the rent and then move
