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Dangerous_Wave t1_j5c62av wrote

And yet there's a thing on here about "oh, charge residents to park their cars in their neighborhoods, theyll give them up and take buses!! Teehee!!"

I've been laughing at them for three days. Utterly delusional.


TerranceBaggz t1_j5c762i wrote

Buses by and large are unreliable because they get stuck in car traffic. So once again, cars are the problem. We should charge market rate for parking cars. Owning a car shouldn’t be subsidized by people who can’t afford to own one which is what currently happens.


ElectricStar87 t1_j5j7g9s wrote

Parking, which includes income from city-owned garages, parking meters, neighborhood parking permits and parking fines, typically brings in $6 million to $8 million per month.

That also doesn’t include the property and other general tax contributions (income, sales tax, etc.) of those drivers.

Fare box recovery rates for MTA in Baltimore is currently less than 13%, although that’s lower than normal (I think it was around 20-30% prior to coronavirus — and note that prior to 2017 there was a legally required 35% recovery ratio).

I put this out there because there are certainly very good ways to make the argument that you are making, but I don’t think you’re going to have much luck saying that non-drivers are subsidizing drivers. It’s simply not factually accurate.


Dangerous_Wave t1_j5dob7c wrote

85 minutes is not "oh boo hoo, those nasty cars! Boo hoo."

Who tf is giving me cash for my car btw? Because I use a street I pay taxes to live on and repair?

Its a goddamned wonder that twit Cox didnt get in with the return to the 30s attitude around here.


A_Damn_Millenial t1_j5c7wzn wrote

On principle, I’d generally agree with parking should not be free. However, convenient and safe alternatives to driving are a requirement if the goal is reducing the number of cars in the city.

Infrequent busses and painted bike lanes aren’t good enough.


physicallyatherapist t1_j5dl0hk wrote

Lol out here trying to do straw man arguments when permit parking was to actually raise money for public transportation so this stuff improves. What a 🤡

Edit: dude blocks me because I call him out. Never claimed that if we charge people for parking then all of a sudden they can just take the bus. It's to raise money for public transportation and not just give away free parking


Dangerous_Wave t1_j5dno1j wrote

You and your strawman shit again. "Doesn't affect me so it's invalid la la la."

"Raise money to improve public transportation" riiiiiiiiigght. Like the sports betting goes to the schools. I got a bridge to sell you real cheap and some ocean front property in Wyoming.