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Blatmore t1_j5qpzdc wrote

You said I was trolling, then you continued to try to argue. So I tried to be even more absurd.

I still say bike lanes are ableist. Particularly when 85% of disabled people can't use them.


TerranceBaggz t1_j5r0x78 wrote

Just because “only” 15% of disabled people cycle (actually surprisingly high IMO) doesn’t mean 85% of disabled can’t use bike lanes. That’s a logical fallacy and is easily proven wrong. People in wheelchairs and mobility scooters etc use them all the time to get around. In fact that was a primary motivator for the Big Jump on Druid Hill Lake Dr. I’ve seen plenty of disabled people using Maryland Avenue also. But if you never bike, and only ever drive around sheltered in a car, you don’t notice these things. Also, you are trolling. It doesn’t mean your stupid arguments aren’t worth swatting aside and disproving so that others can learn from your stupidity.


Blatmore t1_j5r3dxn wrote

You know, I never actually opposed bike lanes before, but you're so insufferably sanctimonious and condescending that I will now be a single issue voter: no bike lanes. In fact, I will now call them bike "lames" because of how lame they are.