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No_name_Johnson t1_j6ju288 wrote

Climate change is happening, yes - and that is going to lead to A) warmer winters, like we're having now and B) changes in habitat/wildlife. I think if humanity does absolutely nothing to combat climate change it could lead to collapse. If your argument is 'this could happen if we don't do enough' then you need to reword how you say it. If your argument is 'this will happen and y'all need to be prepared' then I can't help you and you need to be relegated to r/conspiracy.


BlarghMachine t1_j6pjcoq wrote

Hold onto this comment. Genuinely. We are losing species to this - namely birds and pollinators (not just bees, bats too), natural disasters are getting worse and more frequent. We are currently projected to have the an unlivable planet by 2040 from those that researched this extensively for decades. This matches the projection that Exxon and shell’’s own scientists - as well as MIT - calculated using their own data. We’re projected to have an inability to reliably grow for even sooner. Not to mention the rise of fascism, the global pandemic that continues w 4000 deaths a week in the US alone, no mitigations, and no transmission stopping vaccine anywhere/worsening variants, and supply chain issues stemming from all these sources as well as a majority unwell and increasingly disabled workforce.

The reality of it feels like fear mongering because so much of it is oppressive to continued existence and hard to accept, but time will prove that we are headed toward societal and climate collapse.