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t1_j5zssni wrote

Lol what has “minding your business” gotten cities when it comes to these sorts of things


OP t1_j5zxbl6 wrote

Just ignore that comment. Person clearly wants to live in shit the rest of their life.


t1_j60ddly wrote

Maybe they just understand addiction is a lot more complicated than you are making it and ruining their lives and endangering them by calling the police doesn't actually make the problem go away, it just disappears people into for profit prisons.


OP t1_j60dpmj wrote

Maybe I should have been more clear. This is a distribution/selling operation. Not a go place to go shoot up.


t1_j6037av wrote

You just moved to the area, I imagine you did some research on the neighborhood before settling. Demanding it change to suit your comfort is rich. These are your neighbors, people you could maybe have some compassion for but sure yeah call the police on them.


OP t1_j604f4e wrote

Compassion for individuals ruining peoples lives that struggle with drug addiction? What they are doing enabling and capitalizing from these peoples addiction. You’re extremely out of touch and inhumane if you think letting this go on is the right thing to do.


t1_j5zx6ss wrote

His comment was implying that if it’s just a bunch of kids smoking weed to leave it alone and stop being uptight about it. It doesn’t sound like it’s a literal cocaine operation.


t1_j5zxl9c wrote

I feel like “drug house” has a very distinct definition in this area. And kids smoking weed isn’t part of it


t1_j5zygwu wrote

Less minorities killed by police? What has tough on crime policies and persecuting drug users gotten cities when it comes to these sorts of things


t1_j60f6tc wrote

It locks dangerous drug dealers away from the rest of us and gives addicts a chance to get help through the existing drug treatment programs in the city. Why the hell should any of us tolerate criminals? They fuck up the neighborhoods, tank property values and make life harder for normal working families.


t1_j603owz wrote

Policing others (I.e. rEpOrTiNg a DrUg HoUsE) rarely does anything but create a reactive law enforcement presence that only perpetuates more violence. Try living here for more than a year to see the evidence of this all around you? Might help.
