Submitted by Mikel32 t3_10ly1o6 in baltimore

Like the subject says, can I report a drug house? If so, who would I contact?

Edit: This isn’t kids smoking weed or some frat kid dealing bud out of his house. This is clearly a heroine/meth operation that after talking to Other neighbors has been going on for a few years now.



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Animanialmanac t1_j60165e wrote

You can! The block captain for Safety, not the block captain for my block to clarify, one from another block, reported drug dealing to the mayor. The police reports to 911 and 311 didn’t help. Councilperson Porter does not respond at all. Our neighborhood group was replaced something Porter started and they don’t do anything. My street has three houses I know have heavy drug users who also steal, threaten people. There is one house with a man and woman who openly deal heroin. I was at my wit’s end.

I uploaded pictures from the doorbell camera to Metro Crime Stoppers. The Safety block captain, again not from my block, has been talking to the mayor about the problem. We finally received some action, uniformed patrol policemen and plainclothes men around the block for the last two days.

If you report to 911 or 311 I recommend you do it anonymously. The Metro Crime Stoppers website is already anonymous. If you decide to contact the mayor I recommend you ask someone who lives on a different block to be your middleman.


Mikel32 OP t1_j602jo6 wrote

This is great information. Thank you. Luckily it’s not on my block but it effects the community.


moderndukes t1_j60y5qf wrote

What’s Safety and what’s a block captain?


Animanialmanac t1_j61fknh wrote

Safety is the Safety and Crime Prevention meetings. One of the block captains from across Wilkens is the main Safety contact for us, they have the meetings at people’s houses around Saint Agnes and Violetville. The block captains are the people who receive the information from dpw, dot, other city agencies to share it with the neighbors on the block. The system used to be more organized, it’s slowly coming back as crime went up and more people want to do something to stop it.


DeliMcPickles t1_j61uiou wrote

Do Metro Crime Stoppers first.


Animanialmanac t1_j63noji wrote

What’s the reason for calling Metro Crime Stoppers first?


DeliMcPickles t1_j64xsv4 wrote

The two suggestions were the Mayor and MCS and MCS is the best way to go. It allows for anonymity and dialog with MPD back and forth on the tip.


mdguy819 t1_j5zoxdg wrote

Not trying to be smartass but my guess is the police


Mikel32 OP t1_j5zp0xr wrote

That was going to be my first stop. Didn’t know if any other entity would be more useful


mdguy819 t1_j5zpqv7 wrote

I was going to be a smartass now but it's to easy the cops or if you know any dea agents


moderndukes t1_j60ysc7 wrote

If it’s anything regarding distribution or production, then health-based social organizations aren’t where to look. But it’s good that you were asking about alternatives.


Honeyblade t1_j60czvs wrote

Don't call the cops... pretty much ever. They don't help anyone and more often than not they needlessly escalate the situation. See if there are any social workers in your area who help with addiction.


lifingsocialworker t1_j60ehxc wrote

SW here. We don't do this. Addiction treatment is voluntary or court ordered. We don't go out to homes and talk to people about addiction treatment because their neighbor wants them to stop using.


Honeyblade t1_j60f88c wrote

What would you suggest for a non-police option as a social worker?


jankywarrior t1_j61867a wrote

Why would you want drug dealers on the streets are you insane? the cops should be the first option, I’m pretty sure any non-LE agency can’t do much about the dope house.


Honeyblade t1_j61c49f wrote

And you think the cops are going to help you? LOL.

I'm not saying I want drug dealers on the street - I'm saying that cops don't actually help in these situations, so we need to come up with alternative ways to help our communities. Because cops in general don't have any interest in helping their communities, let alone Baltimore Cops.


Mitch_igan t1_j61ekcj wrote

I'll take Things A Criminal Would Say, for $500 Alex.


Honeyblade t1_j61gkd1 wrote

More like, "I'll take Things someone who has been forced to interact with the police would say" Some of you still think the cops are out here to help you, and you are gonna have a nasty awakening someday.


TeachGullible t1_j64ex2t wrote

Cops aren't here to help me but they are here to disrupt drug dealers. I am all for that.


TeachGullible t1_j60hp2r wrote

Please stop telling OP to mind their business or suggesting alternatives that don't involve law enforcement. Selling heroin/meth is not a victimless crime.

Edit: No alternatives should be ignored but every solution should involve all available resources the city can offer including law enforcement.


PmMeYourPussy t1_j628wux wrote

It's also usually not the actual sale of heroin and meth that's an issue, but everything else surrounding that. Like my neighbor who was openly selling heroin (and obviously using it), but eventually went away for a gun charge after threatening to shoot someone he had a dispute with in the middle of the afternoon in front of his house.

Also all the other shit revolving around addictive drug sales: having junkies around fucking with cars and houses, publicly exposing themselves, assaulting people or just generally being aggressive, etc.

This isn't an indictment of anyone going through struggles, simply a statement that it does affect the community at large.


sllewgh t1_j61ukv8 wrote

Why shouldn't people suggest alternatives to law enforcement? No matter how you feel about the police, this thread and others are full of examples of them failing to resolve issues like this.


TeachGullible t1_j61wz89 wrote

Because fuck drug dealers that's why. They are a blight on my city and take advantage of vulnerable people suffering from addiction.


sllewgh t1_j61xlcl wrote

So you really want to do something about it, right? Why take options off the table? Again, the police pretty clearly have not been enough to address this.


TeachGullible t1_j61y427 wrote

Do you think a council person isn't going to involve law enforcement? There are many alternatives that can and will use law enforcement to get these people out of OP's neighborhood. Law enforcement obviously isn't the only answer, but an integral part of the solution. OP shouldn't be afraid of or ashamed to use them. And I am not some back the blue bootlicker. I do believe that cops cause a lot of problems more often than they should. But heroin and meth dealers have a special place in hell and should have every available resource used against them to take them down.

Edit: Please don't use a subreddit with less than 25% of the city's population as evidence for anything. That is highly anecdotal and truly means nothing in the grand scheme of things.


sllewgh t1_j61yw4b wrote

> Law enforcement obviously isn't the only answer, but an integral part of the solution.

Then we agree we shouldn't exclude alternatives. Great! Pretty much everything else you wrote is taking issue with stuff I never said.


TeachGullible t1_j61z2bo wrote

I never said we should, read what I said again.


sllewgh t1_j61zg8m wrote

>Please stop telling OP to mind their business or suggesting alternatives that don't involve law enforcement.


TeachGullible t1_j61zn5o wrote

Ok fair I misspoke to a degree. So what alternatives to law enforcement would you use to stop heroin and meth dealers from dealing drugs in the city?


Animanialmanac t1_j63o6yk wrote

I haven’t seen any alternatives suggested except for social workers, which is not the right answer in this case. What alternatives are available that don’t involve law enforcement? We have similar situations in Little Violetville/Saint Agnes. Who can we call other than law enforcement?


thelovelylydz t1_j61301r wrote

Feel free to drag me for this crazy thought, but there’s a small chance some BPD officers are aware of the operation and they don’t care to shut it down because they’re getting a cut. Wouldn’t be the first time.


No-Doctor-6988 t1_j5zrkxn wrote

Police won’t be helpful. If you really think there is an issue and it’s affecting the neighbourhood, go to your council person.


ccradio t1_j5zvzsi wrote

Be forewarned, though, that you may not see action for some time. Depending on the house, they may already be aware of and monitoring it quietly. Similarly, they may be hamstrung by the DEA. This happened to a house in my neighborhood several years ago.


PmMeYourPussy t1_j6294be wrote

How did you find out that the DEA was preventing any progress?


ccradio t1_j6339bi wrote

It came out when they finally busted the place. Also, it was visible from my house so we could see who was executing the arrests.


molotovPopsicle t1_j60nfnh wrote

i can confirm this. there's one across the street from me, and the police definitely know about and do nothing. i've watched them pull multiple bodies out of there since i have been wfh. honestly, i feel kinda like there is no hope to stop any of this


ampetertree t1_j611s2s wrote

I was going to come here to say this. I’ve dealt with these situations before and the quickest way for the council person to help you (if you have one that cares) is to have some kind of ordinance violation that can be easily used to go bother them.


ampetertree t1_j615039 wrote

I had to go through this a few times before. Just from my experience I’ll tell you. It’s always been them taking over the house when you know they don’t live around there (either using a drug addict house or vacant) so I’m not sure how long they have been there.

Reporting then as selling drugs is probably going to take forever for anyone to do anything at the local police station but that’s the way. As cynical as I can be sometimes about my city, I just know how often this happens. Your report is going to get caught up with all the other reports with the same issues.

If you think you have a councilperson that will follow through on getting agencies to check up on ordinance violations or safety issues then that’s the faster thing to do. The more you can find the better.

Asking for lighting or if signage is down for it to be replaced. Just start getting things moving around them and usually that starts to scare people a bit.

If you have some neighbors that can keep things visible I guess it the right way to say it, when the dealers are making their moves in and out and they keep noticing how visible they are that’ll help.

Ask for police to drive through your street on their routes if possible. Just pass by if they can on their normal ways. This is easier said then done. It frustrates me because you have to do rounds anyway can you just add my block once and awhile!!!

If you’re area has any well known or connected churches/local leaders in your neighborhood talk with them. Hopefully you can find a local community meeting to start getting the word around there.

Without going a more direct confrontational route that’s all I can remember. Hope it helps some. We have way too many here.


BudsCarsGuns91 t1_j63z20c wrote

I would delete this post and tell NOBODY if your going to the authorities. Better safe than sorry, who knows who actually owns that operation. So for your safety I would be Anonymous and not say a word to anyone that you reported that house.


Lame_Alexander t1_j60331a wrote

I'd probably just open a competing business next door.


Real-Ray-Lewis t1_j60bz6f wrote

Is this fed hill?


Mikel32 OP t1_j60c61h wrote

No. Hollins/Union Square


outdoormovieparty t1_j60ge9m wrote

S. Carey St?


Mikel32 OP t1_j60gveg wrote



outdoormovieparty t1_j60h5rg wrote

sometimes a police officer comes to the union sq association monthly meetings to give crime updates and answer questions, might be helpful to ask him about the particular house


Mikel32 OP t1_j60hee3 wrote

Good call. Next one I believe is in 2 weeks. I’ll ask then.


Clapdemch33ks t1_j64o3wq wrote

Yes. The community outreach officer will be the best route to go.


ScreenAlone t1_j61m2u4 wrote

if you are looking for a non Police solution (not that you aren’t entitled to that or that I’m saying you shouldn’t by any means). There is a harm reduction org in the area (SPARC) that has good rapport with users in the area that might be able to engage the people of the house for you (and anonymously). But idk how much they are involved with dealers as opposed to “low level” users.

If you want to engage the police the district leadership are usually pretty responsive to that kind of stuff (atleast vocally idk what it looks like in the back end) but the district emails are on the BPD webpages or if you go to their monthly meetings (hybrid w/ a zoom meeting) you can talk to them directly and the district detective units usually give their direct contact info


radicalbxchg t1_j60tiaf wrote

People standing across the street on the corners early morning into the night. Going into a boarded up house. Been watching it for the last year. Won't report it since it's several blocks away from me. As well as knowing that Baltimore PD is good at sitting and watching this shit, not actually busting them. They literally sit in front of a corner store that is a front for trafficking but seem to enjoy just watching the show. So yah if you can somehow get the right peoples attention that might be a start.


Spunkylover10 t1_j6197c5 wrote

You can but it may not be worth it. These people will k*ll you.


NikkiRocker t1_j612ddp wrote

Yes, there is an anonymous tip line.


Zed_Hudson t1_j606l77 wrote

What drug do you think they are a house of?


[deleted] t1_j608uqv wrote



Zed_Hudson t1_j609lx1 wrote

Yeah it sound kind of NIMBY to me and you want to talk to the manager, I like people keeping the housing prices reasonable. I assume it's not just like an old busy body as they would be more than happy to talk to the police. Asking for an alternative shows some amount of care but like also mind your business unless they are trying to sell you drugs.


moderndukes t1_j60yg3k wrote

Ah yes, because a meth lab can’t explode or poison you unless it tries to sell you drugs.


Zed_Hudson t1_j610n9n wrote

I mean that's why I asked what kind of drug house. To point out some are more dangerous than others is valid but if you don't know maybe, you know, don't assume they are a meth lab.


kermelie t1_j60cbr3 wrote

Contact the DAT district action team, they’ll need additional probably cause for a warrant.


Ozzi4299 t1_j60y98n wrote

Glad you’re not anti weed and recognize that there’s some serious drugs out there like heroine and crack.


MikeyFED t1_j61zd3j wrote

Few years?

You live in south west baltimore. I’ve seen some prosperity and business move into the area up to union square but that area has been a hot spot for a long time.

Union Square is basically the new line drawn with drug activity bleeding through.

It is hectic starting 1 block away up to westside shopping center.

Good luck dude.

Is it still called James Bond or 007? Kodak? I think I almost died in a vacant on Pratt and Calhoun. Good times.


jwalker3181 t1_j67rv9y wrote

Call Constituant Services 410-396-4900 at the prompt press 1


[deleted] t1_j5zx1ps wrote



Mikel32 OP t1_j5zxeiy wrote

It’s definitely pushing dope.


TeachGullible t1_j60henl wrote

Weed will be legal here in 6 months so I highly doubt OP would be concerned if it were that.


weclosedharvey t1_j5zr820 wrote

Could consider minding your business idk


whatugonnadowhenthey t1_j5zssni wrote

Lol what has “minding your business” gotten cities when it comes to these sorts of things


Mikel32 OP t1_j5zxbl6 wrote

Just ignore that comment. Person clearly wants to live in shit the rest of their life.


Honeyblade t1_j60ddly wrote

Maybe they just understand addiction is a lot more complicated than you are making it and ruining their lives and endangering them by calling the police doesn't actually make the problem go away, it just disappears people into for profit prisons.


Mikel32 OP t1_j60dpmj wrote

Maybe I should have been more clear. This is a distribution/selling operation. Not a go place to go shoot up.


weclosedharvey t1_j6037av wrote

You just moved to the area, I imagine you did some research on the neighborhood before settling. Demanding it change to suit your comfort is rich. These are your neighbors, people you could maybe have some compassion for but sure yeah call the police on them.


Mikel32 OP t1_j604f4e wrote

Compassion for individuals ruining peoples lives that struggle with drug addiction? What they are doing enabling and capitalizing from these peoples addiction. You’re extremely out of touch and inhumane if you think letting this go on is the right thing to do.


The_Waxies_Dargle t1_j61aigo wrote

I agree. Call the police on them. The rest of the neighbors will thank you.


KruztyKrab69 t1_j5zx6ss wrote

His comment was implying that if it’s just a bunch of kids smoking weed to leave it alone and stop being uptight about it. It doesn’t sound like it’s a literal cocaine operation.


whatugonnadowhenthey t1_j5zxl9c wrote

I feel like “drug house” has a very distinct definition in this area. And kids smoking weed isn’t part of it


weclosedharvey t1_j5zygwu wrote

Less minorities killed by police? What has tough on crime policies and persecuting drug users gotten cities when it comes to these sorts of things


Timmah_1984 t1_j60f6tc wrote

It locks dangerous drug dealers away from the rest of us and gives addicts a chance to get help through the existing drug treatment programs in the city. Why the hell should any of us tolerate criminals? They fuck up the neighborhoods, tank property values and make life harder for normal working families.


Areolae-sippin t1_j603owz wrote

Policing others (I.e. rEpOrTiNg a DrUg HoUsE) rarely does anything but create a reactive law enforcement presence that only perpetuates more violence. Try living here for more than a year to see the evidence of this all around you? Might help.
