Submitted by TegisTARDIS t3_11b4bjf in books
To preface: I love reading. Ive read long, 1000+page tomes in english exclusively, but ive read many-a novel, novella and short story in both english and french. Ive read since I was young, on and off, in multiple languages, for pleasure and for academics. I still read for pleasure in my free time and am starting to read more again, ive also come to a point in life I dont get much practice in my second language, French.
To the point; ive also read meany translations. The works are still lovely, and I dont mean to disparage the efforts in translation, but I just can't help but wonder if it leaves something wanting.
I had put "the Count of Monte Cristo" off for the express purpose of reading it in French. Then I remember about things like "the phantom of the opera" and <<Notre dame de Paris>> (hunchback) being translations from French as well. Some of these works are likely a bit beyond what ive regressed to, but not hopelessly beyond understanding. If anyone has experience with the original in french, how much farther ahead is Dumas in terms of reading difficulty?
If someonee has thoughts to share, or has experiences with translations from a language you speak; I'd love to start a conversation.
Eg: someone Slavic reading Dostoevsky, Japanese reading Murakami(, Dumas read in French), or the many other authors who have reached inter-linguistic stardom in the "English cannon"
Should I read the "French classics" in French? Even if im a little rusty en français? Would you, if given the chance? Have you already? Let's talk about it
Edit: Thank you for the answers regarding my questions specifically. Might rephrase it from a more generally useful angle later on for the sub reddit as a whole.
MorriganJade t1_j9vvvnx wrote
What I've noticed about translations personally is if you read ones that are already famous in your country they can be really good, for example I'm from Italy and I've read many really good translations which I've then reread in English when I was older. But if you specifically go look for a translation, like for example if I loved a book in English, and I look for it in Italian to give to people, the translation tends to be bad or have major flaws. Maybe it has to be an older classic or really famous to always be good