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cMeeber t1_jdezvvu wrote

I’ve always read a lot…because I love reading…but we also never had cable and never really had internet except in increments here and there. I think that definitely aided in how many books I read.

I’m definitely not one of those “phones bad…go outside” people…I can for sure see the upsides; I was just in another thread defending booktok. However, I can see how my own phone has affected my attention span…it definitely affects my reading as I’ll think of something, get on my phone, then I’ll forget about my book. Same with a show I’m watching. Up until like 2015 I didn’t have constant internet or a smart phone…so I’d have to look in a dictionary, then done, then back to the book or dvd. I was constantly thinking of posting things or looking up things because the option didn’t even exist.

I don’t want my future children to have their attention divided like that in their formative years. I know they’ll hate me…but they’re getting like jitterbug phones until they’re 18 lol.


mysteryofthefieryeye t1_jdgitmr wrote

The actor Chris Pine was visibly upset at himself on a recent late night talk show; he was talking about how much he used to read until he got a smartphone. So now after a few years of having a phone, he wants to get rid of it.

I found it interesting that he couldn't overcome whatever addiction we have to our phones. So it's not just "us"!


Feisty_Equipment5626 t1_jdgj86t wrote

Reading does wonders for one's spelling and vocabulary. Nevermind the dictionary. Context cues will help in many cases. Why say 'like' jitterbug phones? Try not using it. I love your thoughts and how you present them. Have a lovely life and enjoy it.


cMeeber t1_jdhpgmv wrote

Because I don’t even know if jitterbug phones even exist anymore…so they’re getting something “like” a jitterbug smh. It’s pretty audacious for you to go around around telling people to “try not to use” certain parlance or online speaking trends just because you don’t. Not everyone is a grammar prescriptivist.

You know people don’t use double spaces to start a sentence anymore, right? How about you try not using them anymore?