
cMeeber t1_jdhpgmv wrote

Because I don’t even know if jitterbug phones even exist anymore…so they’re getting something “like” a jitterbug smh. It’s pretty audacious for you to go around around telling people to “try not to use” certain parlance or online speaking trends just because you don’t. Not everyone is a grammar prescriptivist.

You know people don’t use double spaces to start a sentence anymore, right? How about you try not using them anymore?


cMeeber t1_jdezvvu wrote

I’ve always read a lot…because I love reading…but we also never had cable and never really had internet except in increments here and there. I think that definitely aided in how many books I read.

I’m definitely not one of those “phones bad…go outside” people…I can for sure see the upsides; I was just in another thread defending booktok. However, I can see how my own phone has affected my attention span…it definitely affects my reading as I’ll think of something, get on my phone, then I’ll forget about my book. Same with a show I’m watching. Up until like 2015 I didn’t have constant internet or a smart phone…so I’d have to look in a dictionary, then done, then back to the book or dvd. I was constantly thinking of posting things or looking up things because the option didn’t even exist.

I don’t want my future children to have their attention divided like that in their formative years. I know they’ll hate me…but they’re getting like jitterbug phones until they’re 18 lol.


cMeeber t1_jaao2uw wrote

We had to read a condensed/annotated version of this in 4th or 5th grade.

I remember my mind being blown. It gave me all kids of ideas about alternate dimensions and the things I was seeing…like quick lines in the corner of my vision and what they might be.

I’ll bring it up now and then but no one else knows what I’m talking about and didn’t have to read it in school.


cMeeber t1_j9kzu5d wrote

Reply to comment by WritingJedi in Flowers in the attic by Curve-Master

Never said they were first editions. I have no idea. Looking at eBay for the ones that had the same covers I had there’s a whole bunch of them and no more than $3-$5 each. These books were highly mass produced, I doubt they’re worth much. You see several at every thrift shop.


cMeeber t1_j9ky2nz wrote

Reply to comment by Curve-Master in Flowers in the attic by Curve-Master

Carrie never really gets healthy after they leave the attic. She’s described as pale and her growth is all stunted so she’s always small and frail until she dies…and with obvious psychological issues, like all characters in all VC Andrew’s books smh.

My grandma gave me her like 100 VC Andrews books when I was in 6th grade. They might’ve f*cked me up for all I know. They all run together now because the stories are so similar, a lot of incest and assault and what not. The Jewels series set in New Orleans even has the class soap operatic twin switching bs. The other early ones, My Sweet Audrina was sick af too smh. The real Andrew’s didn’t write all the later ones, just a ghost under their name but the writing gets so repetitive then even down to the phrases. Even as a middle schooler I would recognize the same phrases and occurrences across multiples books and smh at the laziness.

Anyways, I sold them all at a garage sale and I kinda regret it? I liked all the covers with the peepholes. But they would just be taking up space. My grandma will still mention them sometimes like “Well, I left all my VC Andrew’s books to Cmeeber!” and I feel so guilty lol


cMeeber t1_iujkbmv wrote

It’s amazing for sure. There’s def some similar stuff from that time tho. That song came out in 1956 and there’s quite a bit of that raw and loud stuff from the surrounding years. Not saying that to undermine him AT ALL but more just to emphasize all the cool stuff there was back then that got kinda overshadowed by Elvis in the sense of “Elvis was the first heavy musician” falsehood…no shade to Elvis either, I’m a fan, just you know…racism. Yes, Elvis was the first heavy musician lots of people heard…because he got the distribution and notice not given to some others. And even then, he was pretty tame considering the others.

But Howlin’ Wolf, Big Maybelle, Skip James, etc. all had some wild stuff. And then different ofc, but just as wild, creepy, awesome, cool af there’s Cab Calloway…his stuff is so mind blowing.

Ike and Tina’s 1960 Fool in Love and their other early stuff is of note too. I know people really love Tina’s 80’s stuff, but that early stuff is cutting edge! People used to complain that a woman was just screaming like she did, but I think it’s super neat and there’s a reason why they were so successful. Basically…I think some modern music listeners would be pretty amazed at how heavy and raw some of these early 30-60’s musicians were because their only concept of those decades is like doo-wop and easy jazz, etc.

Anyways, if you like that song…have you heard Sam the Sham & the Pharoah’s Little Red Riding Hood? It came out 10 years after but I think you would like it as well. Super fantastic song with Halloween vibes.