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Adoniram1733 t1_jdsb58s wrote

For me, the only way to really enjoy it is to read with pencil in hand. Underline every word you don't understand and look them all up (get your own copy first, haha). I also make notes about names, and jot down questions in the margins. When I don't understand something, I put a question mark next to it, and return to it later to see if I have any ideas. It's like solving a puzzle of sorts.

At the very least, you MUST look up all the words. It's the only way to understand the story. Kindle is great, you can just click for a definition. Kindle is a great way to read public domain books.

I prefer physical books, so I do it the hard way. Look up images of David Foster Wallace's copy of Blood Meridian. That's what my favorite books look like. It's a little like work, but it's worth it.