
breitfuture OP t1_jdrwse9 wrote

Reply to comment by priceQQ in brothers karamazov by breitfuture

This is a very good perspective imo. I feel as though the author really tries to explain the characters in lots of depth but it’s so much information to absorb at once. took me quite a long time to just distinguish the different personality traits of alyosha dimitri and ivan lol


breitfuture OP t1_jdooebs wrote

Reply to comment by EatYourCheckers in brothers karamazov by breitfuture

I have been doing the same thing! Except I struggle through the chapter first and then I go to spark notes... maybe I should try your method for my next chapter. The only issue I have with spark notes is that sometimes they are very brief whereas someone on here could maybe explain things in more depth