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t1_jcljolh wrote

No , because honestly I don't care. What matters to me is their work, not them


t1_jcow13h wrote

There work is a reflection of them. It’s in there. You should probably care somewhat.


t1_jcp81mr wrote

I would say often times novels aren’t reflections of the authors. Just because someone wrote something doesn’t mean that’s what they truly believe. But for sure sometimes that is the case! Separate art from the artist


t1_jcpp6jw wrote

You cannot separate art from the artist. Go write something and tell me you aren’t in it. Even if everything is made up, it’s based on what they believe or as satire. From HP Lovecraft to JRRT to Brandon Sanderson; from Jane Austen to Mary Shelley to Ursula K Le Guin. Art is the very embodiment of an artist.


t1_jcpquyo wrote

I understand where you’re coming from. But people seem to forget people can be a product of their times and are entitled to their own opinions! HP love craft for example, died in 1937, so his thoughts and opinions were very much a product of his time. I don’t think any negative opinions he held takes away from the magnificent work he produced.

If I were to write a story, and it involved a marginalized group being targeted, that doesn’t mean I’m racist, it might just be an aspect that I believe it important in the story and could be seen as interesting.

I understand where you’re coming from but sometimes shitty people make amazing art!


t1_jcprjf7 wrote

You can find people in those same eras who aren’t giant pieces of trash, just like you can today. The whole “product of their time” line is such utter bullshit. He chose to write racist shit because he was a racist. You should know the context of his life before reading. You should know he’s a raging bigot. Same with Marian Zimmer Bradley, same with any artist.


t1_jcprvpt wrote

Sure. Sometimes shitty people make art. And the art has shitty views in it. If you can’t see that when you read it, you should do some soul searching. I’m not saying don’t read them. But you should know their worldview.


t1_jcpskz8 wrote

I respect your opinion but you’re using the luxury of hindsight in this situation. There’s always gonna be good and bad people who don’t share your opinion! That’s a matter of life, and yes you 100% have the choice to not read or indulge in these peoples work. BUT saying product of their time is bullshit is somewhat ignorant, given that it was the norm back in the day, whether you like it or not.

Now I am not a racist or a bigot in any sense, I just believe there’s more than one side to these arguments and using the luxury of hindsight is somewhat ignorant. Nowadays, there’s no place for people to be a racist in any sense, but back then, it wasn’t frowned upon.


t1_jcpu0ua wrote

Lol. People are racist all the time now, what the fuck are you talking about. And also, saying someone is “a product of their time” IS bullshit. Mark Twain was an ardent abolitionist, and he was alive during the civil war. Ffs.


t1_jcpujbx wrote

I didn’t say people aren’t racist? I said there’s no place for people to be racist nowadays. Always two sided to a coin dude, whether you like it or not


t1_jcpz9pb wrote

I would love an example of an author you think isn’t in their work.


t1_jcq001c wrote

James SA Corey (Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck) wrote the expanse series and that deals with lots of racism and marginalization. Scott lynch from the gentlemen bastard series, lots!


t1_jcq2apx wrote

Talking about or having something in your writing doesn’t mean you believe in that thing. But how the author treats it, does. What happens to the racists in the Expanse? How are they portrayed?

You’re literally making my point.


t1_jcq3phz wrote

Scott Lynch literally writes about stealing from the rich. Like. Come on.


t1_jcpwwk0 wrote

I know what you said and I’m telling you you’re wrong. What do you think all this anti-“woke” stuff is? JFC.