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lyrasbookshelf t1_iy8bzvg wrote

Yeah, it says 'Because you enjoyed [insert title]', but it's still completely random and not at all relevant. It has based recommendations on books I rated really low too, so they're just full of it 😄


mycleverusername t1_iy8fv8z wrote

That doesn't mean it's random. It just means that it's not accounting for the stars. It's giving equal weight to 1 star books and 5 star and recommending based on the simple fact that you are (or were) interested in those titles.

If you curate your shelves it will recommend based on each shelf and be more relevant.


lyrasbookshelf t1_iy99vi9 wrote

But it is random. It's recommending me things that have nothing to do with the books I have on my shelves. It's even recommending me books in languages I don't speak. In any case, it's no big deal to me because I don't rely on those recommendations to find books. I just get a tiny kick out of seeing what random books it shows me next time I visit the page.


Separate-Grocery-815 t1_iy8pebi wrote

I get recommended so many celebrity memoirs based on books I rated 1-2 stars. I’ve never shelved a celebrity memoir on gr. Drives me insane.


rowan_damisch t1_iy99kxg wrote

Goodreads keeps recommending me whodunnits after I read a murder-free book about boxers. Not only do those books have nothing in common with the novel I read, I also rated almost all the murder mysteries I read badly.


non_avian t1_iy9h2e0 wrote

And yet you kept reading them


rowan_damisch t1_iy9pt2g wrote

"Kept reading them" is a stretch because it's a while since I read the last murder mystery, but well... I had to find out somehow if I dislike the entire genre or just picked a bunch of books I would've disliked anyways.