
t1_jcommyl wrote

I just read it too. If it hadn't been a buddy read, I would have probably DNFd it. The MC was unbelievably stupid and I was just hate reading it from 30% onwards.

Not going read anything else by her because she apparently rips off other popular books and if you dare say it anywhere you get badgered by her rabid fans. Lame behaviour.


t1_jbjg9kn wrote

What exactly did I say that you didn't like? I'm super confused. Reading IS subjective and so is what we get out of it. It's fine not to enjoy a book or feel like it didn't offer you anything new, but at the same time someone else might consider the same book great or even innovative, which is why I suggested reviews. I don't get why you consider this a hot take.


t1_j9fhpfg wrote

Hey! I also just had my very first in-person book club meeting and I also have social anxiety, so I understand how you're feeling right now. I just wanted to reassure you that going there is the hardest step, everything that comes after that is so much easier. And fun! I know it's REALLY tempting to bail and stay home, but you will be so happy after it's done, and each following meeting is going to be even easier.

In my irl BC, there's just four people, so in a way I felt even more pressure to talk. And since the BC was my idea in the first place, I also felt like I needed to be ready to completely lead the discussion. Both of those fears turned to be unfounded because we barely even needed any questions to guide the discussion. We just had so much to talk about and what was supposed to be an hour max turned into two, and we could have gone longer.

You can do this, OP!


t1_j0p37lz wrote

Yesss, the floppier the better! They open so nicely, so there's no need to be rough with the spine. Some books are so stiff and open very little, so you have no other choice but to crack the spine (yes, even after doing the library technique of loosening the spine).


t1_iy99vi9 wrote

But it is random. It's recommending me things that have nothing to do with the books I have on my shelves. It's even recommending me books in languages I don't speak. In any case, it's no big deal to me because I don't rely on those recommendations to find books. I just get a tiny kick out of seeing what random books it shows me next time I visit the page.


t1_iy5q22j wrote

I'm not sure about the text to speech function, but if you're open to trying audiobooks, you could try Libby if it's accessible to you. You can borrow the e-book and audiobook at the same time and keep the system you currently have, alternating between text and sound.