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XadeXal t1_iye2ss2 wrote

Too bad I couldn't have been your friend. And I felt more like I wanted to be Harry. As for wheel of time, how far did you get into it. Given it's length the first book is actually really slow. The main character we see in the first book does not exist by the time we get to the end. Like in Harry potter, years pass. If you can get to the end of the first book it might seem more exciting. There are almost 2800 unique named characters. Every one of them is important in some way. In the first there is a random teenage girl, nobody important at the time, she is just another characters daughter. Because she listened to the stories the main character told, she got a taste for adventure and ran away from home. She pops back up like 6 books later and becomes very important to the central plot. I love the series because every detail is important, and there are so many epiphany moments when details fall into place and you realize what's about to happen.


Silmarillien OP t1_iye6bf6 wrote

Thank you, that's kind of you to say. I read the first two and half books of WoT. I think I wasn't in the right mood to read them. I'm definitely a "mood reader". Maybe I'll get back to them sometime. I did like the camaraderie the group had at the beginning though. I remember the group that started from that village with the Aes Sedai and her warden.


XadeXal t1_iye7gzt wrote

Looking back at the entire series as a whole. It's about an awkward teenage boy going up to be a man. By the end he's grown up, actually we get to see that whole group from the village grow up. Their personalitys change as they get older. If you look hard enough you can see the version of themselves from the first book deep down. One of the characters gets put into a situation where they are in charge of thousands of people's lives. And when they realize it they are like well I don't want to be here, I'm not a leader. And when they try to leave someone says well who else is going to lead us. And he sits there and thinks a bit and then curses as he realizes he has to lead them because there is nobody else. If you have trouble getting into the mood maybe you just need someone to read it to you and give the story some spark.


Silmarillien OP t1_iye9fm0 wrote

I'm currently going through a "cosy" fantasy phase. Being in the mood for books like Harry Potter and Howl's Moving Castle. But I'll keep WoT in mind for when I feel like reading something epic again. Did you watch the Amazon adaptation?


XadeXal t1_iyednjc wrote

I sent you a chat so I don't get too hyper focus into books and send you a bunch of comments 😆