
Silmarillien OP t1_iye6bf6 wrote

Thank you, that's kind of you to say. I read the first two and half books of WoT. I think I wasn't in the right mood to read them. I'm definitely a "mood reader". Maybe I'll get back to them sometime. I did like the camaraderie the group had at the beginning though. I remember the group that started from that village with the Aes Sedai and her warden.


Silmarillien OP t1_iyd5vxj wrote

I suppose it's because of how much we change during the formative years of adolescence and young adulthood. When I think of myself years ago, it does feel like I was a different person. That's one of the beautiful things about readings books from older periods of our lives. They're like a reconciling bridge between two versions of ourselves.


Silmarillien OP t1_iyctxc8 wrote

I'm really excited about the game. Saw some videos of it, looks like they've created a gorgeous world. And I'm sorry about your parents but I definitely get the escapism part. I didn't have many friends when I was 12 and those few I had didn't match with me. So in my child's mind, HP characters felt like company and Hogwarts a place I'd rather be. I tried reading Wheel of Time too but I didn't get into it.