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LeonardCrabs t1_j2aamu5 wrote

Maybe I'm just oblivious, but I never noticed it being excessive. And the female characters, even if there is a little cringe sexualization, are still well developed and realistic.

I'd take that any day over the Patrick Rothfuss "feeble female who can't do anything for herself and must be saved by a knight in shining armor" approach.


Skeegle04 t1_j2aegtm wrote

Only read the first king killer book but god damn, Denna and Kvothe’s lack of a human relationship was just frustrating. “She’s nowhere to be found” after he sees her for the fortieth time. She all but tells him she’s in love with him “does she like me?!” Didn’t read the other two.


astonaidan t1_j2as80y wrote

Rothfuss getting cut a lot this week in here lol


Deservedly its just funny