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t1_j241xt8 wrote

I wonder why it's so difficult for some to understand that liking books comes down to nothing but taste. Hating a book or loving another book, doesn't make you better than anyone else. Trashing something that others enjoy doesn't make you better than them. Just let people read what they want to read and stop the shaming already. I wish the mods would just ban posts about Colleen Hoover. Every day there's a new person who thinks they're the first to say this. You're not.


t1_j241s92 wrote

I don't understand why people slag off on what other people like, especially on reddit. Saying insulting other people's tastes is so petty; saying that books other people like are generic or so boring that they could instantly put an insomniac to sleep says more about you than about the books. I just assume that people who have to come on reddit to attack other people's tastes as bad or generic are sad people whose only joy is making other people feel bad, but, then, if you're more passionate about hating other people's taste in books rather than hyping up what you really like, it speaks a lot to your own tastes.


t1_j243u8m wrote

THANK YOU! How many times do we need posts about hating authors and books? Books are like food, I might not like the taste of something but it doesn’t mean it should be banned from existence. (This is referring to taste only NOT ethics like Foie Gras or meat)


t1_j248v47 wrote


And, to carry out that metaphor: I love a fine whisky and handmade pasta made with super fresh ingredients, but that doesn't mean I don't also love a pitcher of cheap beer and bar pizza, and I don't think one is inherently of more value than the other. Sometimes we *need* the comfort of cheap beer and bar pizza in our lives.


t1_j243xbq wrote

I’m sorry people like things, I guess? I know it must hurt you terribly that people enjoy things


t1_j2445ch wrote

Please, tell me what a “proper good book” is. I’m not even a CoHo fan, but I don’t trash others for enjoying her books


t1_j24rg0n wrote

Books OP likes? Good. Books OP dislikes? Bad.

What? That's not how it works? Someone should tell OP.


t1_j2449ef wrote

It's so easy to live and let live, yet people continuously refuse the let people enjoy books. Who's to say that every person who enjoys Hoover's books hasn't read a "good" book in their lives?

Maybe this is some sad attempt at baiting people and I just bit it, but whatever. Look, if your Tiktok feed has content you don't like, that's on you. If you actually want to understand what other people see in Hoover's writing, you could have asked nicely. Right now, you just look like the wrong kind of snob that complains about writing and yet can't seem to capitalize their words or use punctuation marks correctly.


t1_j2448z8 wrote

Gosh what a totally new and unique perspective.


t1_j24cm4x wrote

I’m just glad people read. Even if the books are awful


t1_j24op78 wrote

This!! Parents are taught to let little kids read (almost) whatever they want. It doesn’t matter what it is as long as they are reading or trying to read. I think this should apply to adults as well.


t1_j242pz4 wrote

I think someone mentioned on here that the people who like them must have skipped their fanfic phase back when they were teens, and liking crappy writing like Colleen Hoover's is the result. I thought it was funny but there might be some merit to it in that I believe her fans haven't read too much else beforehand.

As in, let's go easy on them. We've all been there.


t1_j244zpt wrote

Her books are easy to read....that is why people like them.

Not everyone wants to read super long Tolkien books. That said I still think they are fare too overhyped.


t1_j24brry wrote

Sometimes it’s nice to read something you don’t have to think about too much.