Submitted by timothy_bikit t3_zz2bf7 in books

So what book(s) made you just close it and literally hug it when you were done reading and just process? What about the book caused that reaction? How often do you do something like that?

Personally I do especially when it’s a book such as “Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe”, “I Wish You All The Best”, or “The Song of Achilles” I think it’s just like The romance and the tragedy and the beauty of it all.



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Marybone t1_j28zl1d wrote

Revelation Space by Alastair Reynolds


mango_apricot t1_j29054u wrote



Marybone t1_j290r1i wrote

I think because it was my first introduction to really good science fiction and still to this day is one of my very favourite novels. The universe that Alastair creates really captivated me. I can say the same about Neal Ashers Polity series.


Theamazing-rando t1_j291ffk wrote

Well, I sat huddled in a ball and hugged myself after reading "The Road". If that counts?


ArtisticLiving9 t1_j293ze3 wrote

When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi. Just so painfully beautiful


vivahermione t1_j294rfo wrote

Convenience Store Woman. I was happy for Keiko because she >!ditched her abusive boyfriend and embraced the life she wanted, even if it wasn't what society told her to want!<.


imgoingtostealtheDOI t1_j297s6l wrote

Anxious People by Fredrik Bachman. I read it during COVID when I was feeling really disconnected from family, the country felt divided, and people were scared & angry a lot. It reminded me that we are all just humans trying to do our best and that you never know what someone else is going through. It was a way for me to feel connected with humanity again through reading.


chelrachel1 t1_j29998w wrote

In Other Lands by Sarah Rees Brennan makes me do this. I love the characters and the fun vibes with little drops of sad


Buksghost t1_j29a34a wrote

Last Bus to Wisdom by Ivan Doig. I reread the last couple of pages every now and again just for the feels


Mister_Sosotris t1_j29crl0 wrote

Ok, but Mexican Gothic did this to me. Not because the story is wholesome or anything, but I LOVED Silvia Moreno Garcia’s writing style so much and she immediately became a favourite auto-buy author. And if you like romance, her book The Beautiful Ones is a high society second chance romance with some magical elements, and it’s WONDERFUL!


thestormarrow t1_j29mafl wrote

I could have written this exact same comment, word for word. Silvia Moreno Garcia is truly special. Not only are both books you mention great reads but she can write stories across genres and themes without a problem. She has a signature voice but it works across many subjects.


IntelligentPanic8737 t1_j29mits wrote

The House in the Cerulean Sea. It was t a book I normally would have even read, but I picked it up based on all the recommendations I was seeing and I loved it so much. I don't even know if I can explain why, but it was just like a big warm hug. I loved the characters and was so bummed when it ended. I just wanted more. It ended up being such a feel good story. I can't rave about it enough. That's probably the only book that has ever made me feel that way.


anddingowashisnameoh t1_j29olr4 wrote

I Know This Much is True by Wally Lamb.

I read it in high school and at the end I was a little emotionally tired from the story, which I related to thru my own family and eldest brother.

I remember journaling the evening I finished the book because it had impacted me so strongly.


Trick-Two497 t1_j29ph8e wrote

The Traveling Cat Chronicles did that for me.


20above t1_j29sl88 wrote

It doesn’t happen very often but it happened twice this month. First was Cinder Nanny by Sariah Wilson. It shattered my expectations and is now my second all time favorite. The other is 7th Time Loop by Tokyo Amekawa. I was on the fence about starting this series as it isn’t complete but gave it a go. I’m still feeling sad and want more.


rohtbert55 t1_j29xr1m wrote

  • Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit
  • John Paul the Great: His Five Loves
  • As the Crow Flies
  • Lines of Departure

ragazza68 t1_j2ae65c wrote

Silver in the Wood, by Emily Tesh. Started it over and read again (it’s short - too short!) immediately, such a lovely, lyrical take on the Green Man mythology. Her prose makes me want to live in that world.


bus_garage707 t1_j2anco6 wrote

A Column of Fire by Ken Follett Where’d You Go Bernadette by Maria Semple


raingardener_22 t1_j2b7dst wrote

Middlesex did that for me. Tears of happiness and literally hugged the book to my chest.


AuthorHungry9816 t1_j2bcngp wrote

The book thief took me ages to get over. I sat in bed crying with my look tucked between my legs. It was devastating to me.


phidgt t1_j2c78vu wrote

I was a sniveling, nearly sobbing mess after finishing A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman. He can write characters like nobody's business.

It's been a while since a book has brought out such an emotion for me. It's such a heartwarming, beautifully written story and exactly what I needed.


porcelainwax t1_j2ckoqu wrote

East of Eden. I started missing the characters the moment I closed the book.


bingate t1_j2czglo wrote

The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay 🥹


[deleted] t1_j2dm5z7 wrote

I came here to cite the same book. I picked it up randomly at the bookstore after reading the first page. Had no idea the reading experience I would have. Like you, I cried then held the book close to me. It's truly a special work of fiction when read just at the right time in someone's life.