carbondrewtonium t1_jcmlu80 wrote
Reply to comment by balance07 in It’s raining, folks. by popsrcr
What do you do on those days when you come out to realize you have 0 or 1 tire?
carbondrewtonium t1_jb36bug wrote
Reply to comment by manic-pixie-attorney in Swing Dance at Reveler! by buttsofpoop
I’m curious
carbondrewtonium t1_j9df1w8 wrote
Old Rag Mountain
carbondrewtonium t1_j9aze9a wrote
I was playing an improv game named Five Things the other day and someone asked what are five things I want to happen to me after I die. The number one thing that came to mind was having someone blow me out of a cannon.
carbondrewtonium t1_j93xagf wrote
Reply to Mint Mobile issues in RVA? by salawm
I have Mint and it works well. Breaks up sometimes in Varina. I used to work for nTelos and we used Sprint towers. We were told that Sprint customers had better signal than nTelos customers were given. I assume it’s still the same when a company like Mint rents signal from T-Mobile. So some minor loss in signal may be expected. Take this with a grain of salt, as I worked for nTelos about ten years ago.
carbondrewtonium t1_j6l8yag wrote
Reply to Fancy schmancy watches by JohnnyWall
Meet me in the alley between 17th, 18th, Main, and Cary — I’ll have the goods.
carbondrewtonium t1_j61wsrg wrote
Reply to comment by WakeNikis in Kobe died 3 years ago today but my paper ball mural for him still remains at Randolph. Thanks to Richmond Times for the story. by jakevanyahres
Up with Kawhi Leonard!!!
carbondrewtonium t1_j2c1wyw wrote
Braiding Sweetgrass
carbondrewtonium t1_j22f9p3 wrote
Sci-fi for me. 214 megabytes. Takes up very little (physical) space
carbondrewtonium t1_j1ppnpr wrote
Reply to Christmas surprise- a burst pipe by Dense_Paper
This may only be helpful in the future, but can anyone confirm that if the water is turned off and pipes are drained, its not possible for them to bust?
carbondrewtonium t1_j0o19mr wrote
Reply to comment by Vapid_Ingenue in Richmond nears the top of naughty list for the most aggressive holiday drivers by Vapid_Ingenue
Agreed. Next year I expect to be top five.
carbondrewtonium t1_iyb8gm1 wrote
I could have went for more of The Stranger
carbondrewtonium t1_iyb8czn wrote
Reply to Soma from Brave New World by skippyforeplay
Soma is many things. Nowadays it’s sports/Netflix/Reddit/cat videos/etc.
carbondrewtonium t1_iyb81ge wrote
Reply to Misty River by Cerealkyl3rrz
Well, that, that looks uncanny to Richmond upon The Thames, my good sir
carbondrewtonium t1_iyb7uxw wrote
Reply to comment by jodyhighrola in Homeless population getting turned away due to lack of shelter space by Professional_Book912
I’m assuming it’s being downvoted because it’s negative and unhelpful, as opposed to pro-trump misunderstandings
carbondrewtonium t1_iy9qs6p wrote
Reply to comment by poul0004 in What's your favorite "coffee table" book? by SAT0725
Low-key flexing on us
carbondrewtonium t1_iy8q81s wrote
Reply to comment by Altruistic_Peach_791 in Homeless population getting turned away due to lack of shelter space by Professional_Book912
Be the Reddit username you wish to see in the world
carbondrewtonium t1_iy8pwpc wrote
Reply to comment by LivingInTheDoldrums in Homeless population getting turned away due to lack of shelter space by Professional_Book912
Make money?
carbondrewtonium t1_ixohxlk wrote
Reply to Which book installed a new fear in you? by confrita
Exhalation by Ted Chiang. Being a fearful/thinking person, sci-fi can set my mind down a path of how things are likely to get worse
carbondrewtonium t1_ixcvb41 wrote
Reply to Going to be alone thanksgiving by Adept_Tangerine_4030
Vegan Thanksgiving Potluck
carbondrewtonium t1_ix9g7wm wrote
At first, I thought this was Coalition Theater. I thought that was odd, but now I’m thinking that Bon Secours has enough to pitch some money towards the arts.
carbondrewtonium t1_ix5w2jv wrote
Reply to comment by Mahooki in Uninsured eye care? by UntrainedFoodCritic
Oh, apologies. Misread your comment.
carbondrewtonium t1_ix5or33 wrote
Reply to comment by Mahooki in Uninsured eye care? by UntrainedFoodCritic
In my experience, to buy specs/contacts from Costco, I needed a membership in the same name as the prescription
carbondrewtonium t1_iwurhh3 wrote
Reply to Emo Night at Canal Club tonight by bigdawgwhatup
taking back sunday's tell all your friends on repeat for four hours
carbondrewtonium t1_jde0at8 wrote
Reply to They're counting bikes downtown by pecansforall
Ride over it twice for me. Or if you’re bored, several hundred times.