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notunremarkable t1_j2eeg9g wrote

Most local bookstores will also order books for you and then they get 100% of the profit. But is a great alternative if you don't actually visit your local bookstores often. Our closest bookstore just links to their page as their online store!


SewerRanger t1_j2eg4bo wrote

Right, everyone on here goes on about how they love supporting local bookstores by not purchasing from the local bookstore


blargablargh t1_j2eibzf wrote

As a former employee of several Indie bookstores, some of which aren't around anymore, this rings very true.


FixedFront t1_j2eoatw wrote

Yup. I'm lucky to have a local that not only orders anything but also does direct shipping. They kept me well supplied during the pandemic shutdowns.


StDorothyMantooth23 t1_j2eo7uo wrote

Indie bookseller here— some indie bookstores have online stores as well that you can order from. I do the online orders at the bookstore I work at and it’s always a thrill to get orders from people across the country who consider us their “local” indie!


boysen_bean t1_j2elzuz wrote

My local bookstore has said that if it’s a book they don’t carry in-store, they make the same profit from as they do if you order from them directly. They heavily promote bookshop for that reason.


Chateau_Cat t1_j2f2349 wrote

Most indies ship even if they don't have an online store. It means calling or emailing them instead of just clicking around but like if you ask directly then they also might tell you they have a used copy, or that the book releases in paperback soon or other useful things