Submitted by t3_zyy55v in books

You know the ones. They shine on your shelves.

I'm talking cover art, paper quality, font and kerning, ink, and general vibes.

One of my picks has to be the Penguin Vintage Classic Russians edition of Tolstoy's War and Peace, though I also love the in-your-face frankness and overall quality of the NYRB edition of William Gaddis' JR.



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t1_j290kat wrote

I bought it this year, the 10th anniversary edition of Leviathan Wakes: It's beautiful and all the pinks and blues on the cover and dust jacket are metallic foil.


t1_j29ms7d wrote

Omg, just bought this for Christmas. Do you know if the rest of the series will receive a similar edition?


t1_j28z30c wrote

I collect Folio Society editions, but that might be cheating!

I am having a hard time finding non-sales links, but some of my favorites are: the Gormenghast trilogy, Jurassic Park, His Dark Materials, and the full-color edition of The Sound and the Fury (among others, ha ha!).


t1_j297v7b wrote

I have a leather-bound, gold-leaf book with all 4 Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series signed by Douglas Adams. A prized possession.


OP t1_j2982pa wrote

And you reside where?


t1_j29cm5i wrote

Ha! I got that signed when I attended his book reading for his "Last Chance to See" tour. So I have that one also. Mr. Adams had us rolling in the aisles with all of his anecdotes. Then he died about a year later. Very sad.


t1_j28hauw wrote

Almost all physical books are cheap paper backs, except my lotr books, an old post-ww2 novel my grandpa gifted me and...well "The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck" by Don Rosa. Does that count? Its pretty.


t1_j28o79e wrote

The MinaLima editions of the first two Harry Potter books.

They are beautiful and thoughtfully designed with an incredible level of detail and wonder.

Sharing books with our young daughter is an enormous part of our parenting. These two books stand out among the rest. We are looking forward to acquiring the entire collection from them as they are produced.

(And we are hopeful our daughter keeps her interest in reading.)


t1_j293qv1 wrote

I have the collectors edition of "Shadow and Bone," and it looks absolutely beautiful. Most of my books aren't very nice, so for me that one is gorgeous!


t1_j28rbfw wrote

I have a bunch of leather bound, gold embossed classic sci-fi books that take up about 2 full shelves. Also lord of the rings books in the same style.


t1_j29lakb wrote

University of California owns all the original Twain manuscripts and periodically print a special, high quality edition. I have Huckleberry Finn, beautifully bound, thick paper and great etchings. I also have a boxed edition of LOTR with all of Tolkien's watercolors.


t1_j28ht3i wrote

Definitly the MinaLima's edition of Peter Pan, I received it as a gift and it is simply stunning - both inside and outside!


t1_j28j1m8 wrote

A leatherbound edition of the first two Stormlight Archive books (from the Kickstarter)!


P. S. This is a bit different, but I also really like reading on Kindle with a good Sleeve Cover, it feels like reading a book in a premium edition.


t1_j28jtgj wrote

Les Miserables Omnibus Edition.

I still haven’t read it but it looks awesome.


t1_j28l316 wrote

Got a few of Brandon Sanderson's leather bound editions, and I can't wait to see the quality of the secret project books.


t1_j28r5zm wrote

I have a Folio Society copy of Pride and Prejudice that is gorgeous and definitely my nicest book. I also have a few copies of Chiltern books that are beautiful, the red and gold copy of Dracula was the first one I bought.

I’ve alway loved those Penguin covers for the Russian classics that you shared, they are on my bucket list to buy!


t1_j290416 wrote

Someday I’m going to get the Folio editions of all of Austen’s books!


t1_j28xc4s wrote

My copy of The Decisive Moment by Henri Cartier Bresson. It’s just a beautiful book of beautiful pictures. I love it!!! The smell of the ink and paper is intoxicating and reminds of studying in the library as a student!


t1_j28zv1a wrote

That's tough. The first book that comes to mind for me is The Secret Art of Dr. Seuss. But it's entirely because of the artwork. I can't think of the best looking book off the top of my head just from a craftsmanship perspective. Maybe Six of Crows and its sequel? I actually haven't read them yet, but the editions I found looked so nice, I picked them up.


t1_j295xdx wrote

Don't know about my best looking book, but Jane Eyre (Penguin English Library) definitely is the ugliest lol


t1_j29d3sv wrote

My Jeff VanderMeer books. A few have embossed secret images on the covers hidden in the printed images, or gorgeous metallics on the hardcovers under the dust jacket.

I love them so. And I love the words inside just as much.


t1_j2ajsp4 wrote

The Complete Tales & Poems of Edgar Allan Poe - black hardover with the title and a picture of a raven in gold inlay. Nothing expensive, but it looks nice, even though it only cost me around $20.


t1_j28dve4 wrote



t1_j28e616 wrote

It's the highest ranking kickstarter for comics in Sweden, and I got the whole collection-box. Five books filled with norse mythology! Every book is a work of art, for sure. I won't take pictures of the books themselves, though, because of copyright, so I guess you have to trust me on that.


t1_j28efq8 wrote

I don’t know exactly which editions they are (and I’m on holiday at the moment so I can’t go into my study to check) but it’s my full collection of Jane Austen novels that my best friend bought me for my 21st birthday. Each book has an image of a different regency outfit on the cover.


t1_j28ij9l wrote

As a collection, the hardback Disc world books, love all the colours. Also something about cloth bound books that i love so much.


t1_j28lm9r wrote

Probably the illiad and Odyssey


t1_j28nxck wrote

  1. My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century by Rachel Harris
    A teenage girl is on the cover in a very pretty white and pastel purple Renaissance type dress with the corset strings and a massively puffy dress from a hoop skirt inside. She's holding a backpack. The picture does not show her face. The cover is in honor of her being sent from the 21st century to the 16th century, from America to Europe in the time of Michelangelo and other artistic minds from that time.
  2. Good Friends Are Hard To Find
    It is a nonfiction tiny book that has quotes about friendship and absolutely too-cute pictures of small wild and tame animals and wild and tame baby animals. The cover has a small puppy sitting next to a kitten and the kittens eyes are closed and it's faxing up and nestling into the puppy in a trusting cuddle.

t1_j28zb45 wrote

I love the cover art of "The Counting of Sins" by Robert Joseph Greene


t1_j297j7v wrote

Probably my HP Lovecraft short story collection. It was one of those special B&N editions. Night embossed cover with green foil design. Most of the other books I have are just the standard issue hardbacks. I think the recent Stephen King book Fairy Tale looks pretty cool. Most of the good looking stuff is my graphic novels. I have a hardback edition of Watchmen with the blood splatter on the smiley face and it's pretty awesome.


t1_j29a146 wrote

My hardcover copy of The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert. The cover design is gold and silver against a black background.


t1_j29bdfn wrote

The fairies on the cover are a bit creepy, but probably my copy of "50 Fairy Stories" by Miles Kelly, a book that I loved as a child :)


t1_j29d98a wrote

My favorite is the word cloud classic edition of count of Monte Cristo. But I have some Brandon Sanderson leather-bounds that I suppose someone else would consider better looking.


t1_j29mtkx wrote

I have the Absolute Dark Knight hardback. It's one of the most insanely beautiful books that I own. Even though it doesn't fit on any bookshelf 😑


t1_j29mv2z wrote

The first edition of Christopher Moore’s “Sacre Bleu”. An entertaining book in a beautiful package.


t1_j29pqec wrote

I am, very slowly, collecting The Pilgrim Edition of Dickens’ Letters. They cost an arm and a leg but they are beautifully made, thin but impermeable paper, sewn binding, endless footnotes for every possible reference.

Unfortunately, they are getting more and more expensive and further and further out of my price range.


t1_j29y3o3 wrote

I've got 3 that really stand out as looking good on the shelf. Front, back, spine, all beautiful.

The barnes and noble hard cover classics are generally good looking. My favorite and the only one i keep on my shelf is the complete Sherlock Holmes. The pages have gilded edges to match the overall aesthetic too. And I love that it's actually printed on the hard cover instead of just a pretty dust jacket.

The Poppy War trilogy has beautiful dust jackets. Simple and clean. Babel by the same author is also beautiful, and I scooped a waterstone edition with black edged pages. I think R.F. Kuang cares about her books looking good, and I fully support it.

I also have a copy of the histories (Tom Holland translation, viking publishing) that is also very handsome.


t1_j29yh9e wrote

"The Gravity Falls Lost Journal" and "Sherlock Holmes: The hound of the Baskervilles"


t1_j2a6583 wrote

The Red Book by Carl Jung. Holy hell what a gorgeous masterpiece.


t1_j2a6txs wrote

Penguin Classics Jane Eyre

I love that book so very much, and it is the prettiest I own. I wanted so much to get one of these, but you can't really get them in my country. You can, but only one shop sells them and they are quite expensive for a book (because they are imported + expencive in comparison to average income) and there was a very limited selection.

But my mom gifted it to me!


t1_j2a72in wrote

Probably Folio Society's The turn of the screw.


t1_j2aj0rx wrote

The Complete American Gods gaphic novel. I had a list of a few of his books I asked for. Nothing too crazy. This was a surprise


t1_j2b5lj9 wrote

I've got some of the hardbacks from the Discworld Collector Series. I can't find pictures that do them justice but they're lovely.


t1_j2ce713 wrote

I mostly read on an ereader so I don’t have many physical books, but the Penguin Clothbound Count of Monte Cristo is a nice looking book.


t1_j2cy364 wrote

Sub Press 2nd edition Gardens of the Moon. the artwork on it is great. And a self published leather bound edition of Wapshot Chronicle by Cheever. he went all out on it. Leather bound, gold gilt pages, gold embossing, hand sewn binding. It just looks like a substantial book.


t1_j2d5k2k wrote

Hey! I have the same collection of War and Peace as you. I also have The Wind up bird chronical from the similar Japanese collection (planning on getting all).

Then I have a couple of Penguin Deluxe editions and they're so beautiful! Especially the Frankenstein one. I like collecting the series' that vintage/ penguin come out with so I also have a few books from the Penguin Sisterhood Classic series.

Lastly, my latest purchases have been the Gift editions of His Dark Materials and the B&N Hitchhiker's edition.


t1_j2dgyzk wrote

I have a lovely leather bound edition of Anna Karenina I picked up at my library’s used book sale for $5.00; saw the same edition on Amazon for $70. But I haven’t gotten around to reading it yet! Also a vintage boxed & leatherbound edition of Geoffrey of Monmouth’s History of the Kings of Britain- this one I’ve read and I love just looking at it. Likewise the huge boxed 2 volume The Art of Florence - even the box is beautiful


t1_j28vcjy wrote

My Hildebrandt illustrated books. I have The Phantom of the Opera, Dracula, Robin Hood, and A Child's Christmas Treasury. They're all cloth bound, gold embossed spines, with beautifully illustrated covers. Then, of course, the amazing illustrations inside. I wish I had more of them. I love those books!