
Mr_Mons_of_Nibiru t1_je95k1n wrote

Tryshasla by Seceed

Ambient/deep beat trip-hop instrumental album. It's about the journey from death to reincarnation. Begins with hospital sounds and a man's voice saying, "Where am I?" The song are gorgeous and are testaments to what the genre is capable of. Hard to describe. The last song ends with a baby's lullabye.

Just check out the song "Leraine" and tell me that it isn't one of the best songs you've ever heard.


Mr_Mons_of_Nibiru t1_jbn81c0 wrote

I used to work at a ski resort and would always be disappointed when I was around newcomers to the sport viewing being a novice as some embarrassing thing. I love it when I see someone throwing all their attention into learning something and having fun doing it. And also learning the most important thing in the sport and life: how to get back up!!!

I have such profound respect for the enthusiastic learner.


Mr_Mons_of_Nibiru t1_j2djkh1 wrote

You should embroider the words in the brackets on your soapbox preach. Uninformed. Not allowed. The whole point of that paragraph was to address the MAID act being extended to the mentally ill. Hope you enjoyed yourself.

But sure, because I didn't extend it to the population YOU had in mind for euthanasia, you know how I think and what I deserve.


Mr_Mons_of_Nibiru t1_j2d9apw wrote

I read that an 18 year old went behind his parents' back at a clinic and he had gone through the whole process without their knowledge he just had to make it there on the date. Incurable nerve pain condition.....that has to be living hell ....but 18?

I thought Canada was medical utopia compared to us here, has to be. But I'm curious, what safety nets could be improved?


Mr_Mons_of_Nibiru t1_j2b934g wrote

Canada is about to vote on whether or not their Medical Assistance In Death(MAID) act will extend to mental health patients that are suicidal. They tried to sell an aging Paralympian on considering euthanasia instead of getting a hip replacement.

Plus, there's this guy in Switzerland that is trying to patent an actual suicide pod. It's currently sitting in an art gallery on exhibition. I believe it kills you with gas, nitrogen I think.

In Walter Tevis's glorious unsung masterpiece, "Mockingbird" he postulates a future where all services are automated, nobody works, drugs are mandatory this making humanity sterile and unable to read or tell time or think, and talking to each other is made illegal as an "invasion of privacy". And there is an epidemic if elderly people lighting themselves on fire in public.

We're close.