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pghgal85 t1_j4rgu44 wrote

>the vast majority of fiction is dominated by people like you

"People like you"? Wow...misogynistic much? That one phrase is likely the reason you're being downvoted so much.


y_onizuka t1_j4ruj57 wrote

Hahahaha, re read his comment slowly


Jodorokes t1_j4sh68k wrote

Yeah I feel like I’m being unfairly downvoted here haha. I’m just saying if you’re a white guy, you’ll have no trouble finding writers who have a similar background to you.


pedestrianpinniped t1_j4uxpwz wrote

Wtf is mysogynistic about that? It's an accurate statement up until the last 30-40 years. people these days are so fucking ridiculous I swear.