Submitted by introvert_eng t3_10k9hhy in books
Turbulent-Worker7552 t1_j5p748d wrote
I think that you should not care to much about it, because it break your reading and make it less enjoyable. You will naturally learn the words by reading books.
You can still keep one ore two world in your mind, or write one or two somewhere and try to use them whenever you can for 2days (or more , or less, it is up to you)
I am saying this because I became quite disgusted by reading because I tried so hard to learn the vocabulary. Maybe it will not be your case
introvert_eng OP t1_j5p7e6o wrote
Yeah I agree that it feels disgusted. I initially tried this but then my reading was really slow. I was just thinking if there is a middle ground and I have heard it from my friend who read alot that you just read and words will come to you naturally.
Turbulent-Worker7552 t1_j5pda0f wrote
And remember, it is better and to not learn the world than not reading at all and still not leaning the words haha
introvert_eng OP t1_j5pl9p7 wrote
Haha, looks like someone tried book reading really hard
Turbulent-Worker7552 t1_j5plwwc wrote
Yup, I lost a lot of things during hight school and even before. Like curiosity, love of reading, opne mindedness... I am working on my self to win them back! It is quite hard but it is the most valuable thing that I ever did
introvert_eng OP t1_j5pniir wrote
I'm sorry if I take that as a joke in last one. Best of luck for whatever you are trying to do and thanks for coming here and giving good ideas.
Turbulent-Worker7552 t1_j5pnqz2 wrote
Don't worry , there is nothing that I took bad in our conversation
InitiatePenguin t1_j5q1xvw wrote
>I think that you should not care to much about it, because it break your reading and make it less enjoyable.
If I'm reading a digital book and I come across a word I don't know, and not 100% sure if it's meaning with context clues I check the definition. In already "interrupted", it's only a click to highlight it.
I don't think it's much of an issue. People look up meanings to words all the time and it doesn't destroy people's enjoyment.
I then write them in a journal at a later point. But I don't make much effort to concertedly use them again.
Turbulent-Worker7552 t1_j5q2tmt wrote
It is different if you read a book on paper, yes it is easier on a screen. And I'll never say that my answer is the only ansawer, there are as many point of view as readers
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