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introvert_eng OP t1_j5p7e6o wrote

Yeah I agree that it feels disgusted. I initially tried this but then my reading was really slow. I was just thinking if there is a middle ground and I have heard it from my friend who read alot that you just read and words will come to you naturally.


Turbulent-Worker7552 t1_j5pda0f wrote

And remember, it is better and to not learn the world than not reading at all and still not leaning the words haha


introvert_eng OP t1_j5pl9p7 wrote

Haha, looks like someone tried book reading really hard


Turbulent-Worker7552 t1_j5plwwc wrote

Yup, I lost a lot of things during hight school and even before. Like curiosity, love of reading, opne mindedness... I am working on my self to win them back! It is quite hard but it is the most valuable thing that I ever did


introvert_eng OP t1_j5pniir wrote

I'm sorry if I take that as a joke in last one. Best of luck for whatever you are trying to do and thanks for coming here and giving good ideas.