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t1_j699tm6 wrote

I'm looking for some interesting novellas to read - I just finished All Systems Red by Martha Wells and really enjoyed it.

I generally enjoy fantasy books but don't mind some sci-fi too. Horror is okay too. I like snarky protagonists and nothing too bleak.


t1_j69w5ho wrote

Purple and Black by K.J. Parker is one of the best fantasy novellas I've ever read, and is definitely snarky and funny while also being layered and interesting.


t1_j6icl5a wrote

>Purple and Black by K.J. Parker

Thanks for the rec! Unfortunately I can't find the ebook version of that - or rather, somewhat bizarrely the Amazon page for that book has the ebook being a completely different book with the same title, at least here in the UK.


t1_j6igrbf wrote

Oh no! It's also included in the chonker Academic Exercises, which is a collection of novellas and short stories, if you can find that.


t1_j6b24ga wrote

Try the novellas and short stories in Fire Watch by Connie Willis and The Empress of Mars by Kage Baker, or honestly any of their short story collections, all of which are exquisite.