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Mumbles76 t1_ja5kzw0 wrote

Agreed. Didn't want to inquire on your financial situation, if you were in dire straits - not going and taking a job now may have been a good option. Doesn't sound like the case here.

Could you go anywhere on the GI Bill or are you set on Cambridge College? I ask because Western Governors is supposed to have a pretty good online program and they have ties to incubator programs at various fortune 500 companies.


TheSpideyJedi OP t1_ja5oowc wrote

If I attend classes in person they give me $3,081 a month to pay for bills

So unfortunately I can’t do WGU. Definitely looked into it tho

It doesn’t have to be Cambridge, I just can’t find schools I can to in person that offer a Cybersecurity program.

There’s one at Wentworth but it’s more like a Comp Sci degree with a shit ton of advanced math that I can’t do lol