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CareerJust250 t1_j9ud3vo wrote

I just want to reiterate my point in this post is can I ask for an extension without repercussions?


man2010 t1_j9udcox wrote

You can ask for whatever you want, but if you can't pay the up front costs right away then the landlord might think twice about renting to you


AnyRound5042 t1_j9udmq2 wrote

If you're already signed then you should be okay to ask for an extension. If you haven't signed yet it's gonna be a red flag for them


CareerJust250 t1_j9uekwd wrote

A red flag that I can’t pay $5720 in a month??? If i could do that I wouldn’t be looking for an apartment for 1900


Icy-Neck-2422 t1_j9uf8ch wrote

I'd suggest calming down a bit. People are just trying to be helpful.